The Tragedy of 888 Alamo Dr.

Jun 25, 2004 13:51

It was a horrible day in the pizza business. There was pizzas to be made, tables to be bussed, and toilets to be plunged. None of that mattered once he left. At precisely 6:04 and 23 seconds, I received a hug. He gave me one of those looks as if I would never see him again. I could tell something was wrong. I knew something was on his mind, ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

blue_eyes_lie June 26 2004, 00:10:58 UTC
awww. how cute! not to mention melodramatic


curryinahurry June 26 2004, 10:12:40 UTC
You need to calm down with those words i don't know.


blue_eyes_lie June 26 2004, 23:37:01 UTC
sorry brian, i forgot you're indian.


curryinahurry June 27 2004, 08:37:10 UTC
India is a place of fun


i_shotthesherif June 26 2004, 03:47:21 UTC

I absolutly love your entries, you should write a book.
i'd buy it with some dirty money.


curryinahurry June 26 2004, 10:13:25 UTC
Does that mean that george washington hasn't bathed in a couple of days?


i_shotthesherif June 26 2004, 21:34:49 UTC

Possibly.. or drug money.


(The comment has been removed)

curryinahurry June 27 2004, 08:36:27 UTC
God bless you my son.


gringoburrito June 27 2004, 23:26:03 UTC
AWWWW I'm dead!


curryinahurry June 28 2004, 07:50:14 UTC
you are now the last honest ghost.


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