I got a new JOB!!

Sep 01, 2004 16:35

Guess What, The Vacaville REPORTER offered me a job today writing out horoscopes on a daily basis. It is great all I have to do is wake up and send them in via-email and they will be posted in the paper the following day!

By the way I am a virgo!

My boss asked me to do a practice one, so tell me what you think.

Horoscope 9/1/04 -Brian More' ( Read more... )

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Comments 24

blue_eyes_lie September 2 2004, 06:07:37 UTC
well then i will be the 1st capricorn of importance....an di'm not chicken shit, i'm just cautious...


that1guylefty September 2 2004, 06:08:52 UTC
like chucky on rugrats


that1guylefty September 2 2004, 06:10:44 UTC
wow...i just realized that i commented to you 1 second exactley after you posted your comment....eww....too creepy.


curryinahurry September 2 2004, 20:21:40 UTC
Chiken shit!


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