Title: A series of you and me
Chapters: 13/?
Genre: Angst. Romance. Smut.
Warnings: Angst. Cursing.
Ratings: PG-13
Pairings: AoixUruha (others?)
Disclaimer: I only own my imagination ♪
Synopsis: Kouyou finds his life ruled by the glimpses of him he can see.
A series of you and me | Chapter 13 )
Comments 4
Hope everything will turn out to be fine between taka and kouyou asap~~~so I'm waiting for your next chapter:)
And it's time for yuu to know the mysterious guy is kouyou and kouyou is uruha...I want them get together and be happy...desperately.XD
I'm so glad you haven't stopped writing! unlike me:D
even when I don't go on LJ anymore I still check yours<3
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