Title: Putting holes in happiness
Chapter: 3/?
Genre: AU. Romance. Angst. Friendship. Smut.
Warnings: Angst. (may trigger in future chapters). Use of real names.
Ratings: PG-13 for now (NC-17 later)
Pairings: AoixKazuki. AoixUruha. Aoix?. Uruhax?. Kazukix?. KaixOC. Rukix?...etc.
Disclaimer: I only own my imagination ♪
Synopsis: "You wear your ruins well,
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Comments 4
Yuu and Kouyou getting closer~ 8D Like... getting to know each other a bit, gonna spend time together... Hun huuun... 8D I see where this is going, Madame 8DD
Takanori and Shinji, huhu~ more like our infamous Tiger, right, right? 8D
But I now remember there's a "Uruha x ?" in the top... HOOO THIS IS GONNA BE TWISTED!!! ♥♥♥
Unf! *sending full waves of writing inspiration and motivation and whatever*
I NEED MOAR BABE, MOOOAR! ♥♥♥ (see? this is why I usually wait until a chaptered fic is over to start reading... XD)
I expected the date to be Reita boy was I wrong lol but I love Tora!<3
Anywho, awesome update! Can't wait for the next chapter^^
So it's been a week and Yuu still hasn't made up with Kazuki yet?
Ooh somethings gonna happen~
It'll be sad though if Kazuki does leave Yuu after all they've been through :[
Whatt?! there's another Aoix? ehhh? wow... looking forward to more please!!! XD
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