Title: The Painter
Chapters: 17/20(?)
Genre: Romance. Angst. AU. Fluff. Smut. Humour.
Warnings: Angst.
Ratings: PG-13
Pairings: AoixUruha (main), ReitaxRuki (side), KiyoharuxRuki, ReitaxUruha
Disclaimer: I only own my imagination ♪
Synopsis: A painter which convictions and hopes are destroyed by a single man. A single man who would change his life.
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Comments 34
who's that bitch???? ç____________ç
god! finally un update and it ends like this!!!! I was scrolling the page reeeeallly slow, but it eventually ended anyway ç_ç well...
I love it and I'm waiting for a new update!
Ah, it was a bit short right? I'm sorry but I needed it this way lol.
And, I'll do my best to provide you the next one quickly ♥ Thanks :)
But the last 2 paragraphs killed me>< It started so hopeful and then... ; A ;
Though that's one of the things I love about this story<3
I can't threaten you after reading something this good, but. PLEASE update soon ; w ;
I'm happy if you like this story that much. And, I know lol, I need to kill my readers time to time XDD
TOO SWEET! And I will definitely, wait for it please ♥
(The comment has been removed)
I love your long comment though ♥
I think that metaphor could describe the different strugglings with the right spirit.
Taka-chan is a good friend right?
About that feeling, I used the one I feel everyday haha. Life can take you down really quickly.
AHAHA you'll know next chapter.
URUHA IN A DRESS LMAO. I meant a woman though but yeah, Uruha would rival one easily DX
This maid's an "invisible" support to Kouyou if I can say so. She's more important that anyone could think, in this story.
Don't be sorry I loved your comment and thank you always for commenting and supporting the story ♥♥
And I'm happy you like my story ♥♥♥ Thank you so much!
that woman has to be his sister right?! mother, cousin anything? no no no... no! uruha loves him he loves him back, he doesn't cheat... phhuu... it's his sister i bet ..
[i hope!]
great chapter really. me loved taka in this a lot more than i already am, is that even possible? yes... and me liked akira as well... they hepled this little dumb blond honey a lot :D
Taka's a fabulous friend isn't he? The kind of friend I wish I could have haha. Well, isn't it what friends do for each other? To help?
Thanks dear for your comment, like always! ♥
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