There are so many people here who are kind to me. Nice to me. ...I can't even remember that from before. Humans were never this nice.
Which means that some of them probably have ulterior motives, but not all of them. Especially not Wonder. What a sweet kid... Kekeke...
I can definately pull on heartstrings here. I could dominate this place, if no one else is playing the same game as I am. But... it's not really a game. I really do like everyone.. well, almost everyone, not that Tsuki buttface, or the shouty guy, or the guy who's all smug about these journal things, or the guy who sounds like some kind of robot.
but I don't know... maybe it'd be nice to be somewhere, someone... where I'm not marked. or where everyone else is too.
Man, this is getting too deep! I want to go home and go rescue pokemon with Medicham and Ekans. Or pull some more pranks on Caterpie. Or something. The last couple weeks of my life have been way too serious.
and I've spent a whole week here.
what the heck is this place?