Ten Top Trivia Tips about Cursedreams! - Some birds use cursedreams to orientate themselves during migration.
- About one tenth of cursedreams is permanently covered in ice.
- The only Englishman to become cursedreams was Nicholas Breakspear, who was cursedreams from 1154 to 1159.
- Cursedreams can't drink - she absorbs water from her surroundings by osmosis.
- The most dangerous form of cursedreams is the bicycle!
- Cursedreams was first grown in America by the grandmother Maria Ann Smith, from whom her name comes.
- Czar Paul I banished cursedreams to Siberia for marching out of step.
- In Chinese, the sound 'cursedreams' means 'bite the wax tadpole'.
- According to the story, Pinocchio was made of cursedreams.
- Antarctica is the only continent without cursedreams.
I like the marching one, because its so true... ^.^
So I'm waiting for Ryan to get back with his paints so we can do his homework because mixing colors isn't quite his forte.
What mom forgot to mention was that we may very well be going to 7:00 mass. Dude, wtf? I need to help him with painting and when his curfew's at 9, thats a lil difficult. It's due tomorrow. Grr sometimes some of this stuff makes me so angry. Not only do I give something up, as well as meat, but I'm going to church because "I missed sunday". Fantastic.
My clarinet got swapped out today. Thank Yevon. No more cracks ^.^ I got that, a metronome, an oiling thing that should save my clarinet from cracking, an ocarina (tom's idea) and a really old book from next door that has fairy tales in it. Makes me happy n.n
I missed school today because 1. I needed to get my clarinet fixed, 2. I didn't have a ride home as far as 1:15 went. So, I'll wind up taking the test..on another day. I'm missing friday and apparently monday is senior ditch day so huzzah.
Alright thats about it. Ren Fest on Sunday...umm thats about it.
My yan yan has kyute sayings and animals on it
*picture of a cow* cow! muuuuuu!