OOC contact & history information. Kyo Sohma.

Feb 22, 2015 05:13

Kyo Sohma | Fruits Basket | cursedzodiaccat
Entered apurgatorium on: January 16th, 2008.

General OOC heads up:

- I've realized, after a few cases of trial and error, that Purg just moves too fast for me to keep up with logs. Because of this, I want to refrain from disappointing anyone with starting logs and then slacking off on them, so I'm limiting myself to one of two options.

one: Pretty much, not logging. Sticking to journal posts, since they count towards activity and seem to make up the actual bulk of the game.


two: AIM logs. Considering I keep my internet status private, and rarely go on unless I have to, you'll have to contact me via e-mail or leave me a comment to let me know if you want to do an AIM log. If you give me your screen name, I'll add you up so that we can put something together.

- Lastly, on the OOC front-
I've set up a list of character journals, so that I don't miss any important entries while scanning one of the character friend-lists. So, if you'd like your character's journal added to the list of 'important' journals to watch, because your character knows mine- please let me know.

- I'll be posting this a sticky-post in all of my character journals, of course moderated to apply to that specific character, instead.
Comments will be screened for the sake of keeping any information from other players private. Not that I think that'll be necessary, but- just incase.

Now, onto the more specific In Character/history-related info on this character in particular.

Since I don't have time to get all of this updated at the moment, I'll just add one thing:

Kyo is taken from the end of the series. Sometime in the middle of the last episode.
Further details will be added later.

[Contents under construction. To be added, later.]
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