Tumblr things. (Note: I've recently become obsessed [yet again] with Denis Leary, and now his show Rescue Me. Expect a lot of that shit. Also moar Warcrack, as well.)
That's amazing.... so you use layers and such? I've never been able to figure that out, I simply can't make it work. And Adobe Photoshop is too advanced for me..... Instead I use the freeware GIMP and Adobe Lightroom.
It's not that hard anymore, since I understand what almost all of the features in the program do. It's second-nature for me. I've been editing photos and making graphics/collages/manips/wallpapers/icons for so long. If you know what colors will add or subtract (use blue to lessen yellows, etc) then it's easy XD
Comments 5
If so, how the f....?????????
It's awesome.
I use Adobe Photoshop CS5, and images I find via fansites or Google :D
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