Arthur's letters with his teacher for the past year

Jun 25, 2013 20:34

Dear Mrs. Khan,

When are we doing EAQO? I want to know. BTW, can you bring your pugs again? I want to know. BTW, when are we going to do dvision? I want to know. BTW, are we doing mutpicashon? I want to know. By the way yes I acshuly said it anyway, MOAR MATH!!!!!!!! Sincerely, Arthur

Dear Arthur,

Thanks for the funny letter! You don't do EQAO until you are in Grade 3. Yes, the pugs will be back for our celebration! We will do division later on in the year. Yes we will be doing multiplication. More math? YUCK! Okay, I'll see what I can do! Sincerely, Mrs. Khan

Dear Mrs. Khan,

I'm being a ninja for Hallowwen! My favorite animal is cats.

Dear Arthur,

I'm not sure what I'm going to be for Hallowe'en, yet. I used to have a cat. He was awesome. His name was Kenny. I loved him very much. Sincerely, Mrs. Khan.

Want to know what KIND of ninja I am going to be? A red skull ninja!

Dear Arthur,

I would love to know what kind of ninja you are going to be. Are you excited for our October celebration? Sincerely, Mrs. Khan

Dear Mrs. Khan,

If you are wondering where my book bag is... weel... I am dismantiling my old computer. so yhay. And I still haven't got a chance to read my book!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? (there is + ! and ? of this page) ??!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?

Dear Arthur,

Thanks for letting me know! Is your computer finally dismantled? Did you put it back together? My brother used to take computers apart all of the time! Sincerely, Mrs. Khan

Dear Mrs. Khan,

No it is not dismanteled yet. I still have to: take apart: CD drive (1) [we have two otther] the mother board and the hard disc drive nothing else. no I dident reasembell it. But like I said I am not done yet. so, yhea. synsyrly, Arthur. P.S. coud you plese stop writeing slanty like this: w e e e e e so, yhah (trollololo) synsyrly (for reals) Arthur

Dear Arthur,

I happen to like slanty letters so I am going to keep doing it! Why are you taking apart the computer? What is your ultimate plan? Sincerely, Mrs. Khan

Dear Mrs. Khan,

No it is not my ultamete plan and I have put it on hold. Anywas... I have started a SPORE comic! wich is in Arthur magazine! Subscribe here: _________ [ed. note: she wrote in her name on the subscription line.] And if you are wondering what the song is when I walked by you it is: (drum roll) nyan cat! P.S. its weekly monthly yearly. Synserly, Arthur. P.P.S. Meow meow nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan [filling the entire page]

Dear Arthur,

Well what do you do with a computer that you took apart? Just leave it in pieces somewhere? I still haven't found the Neon Cat website... Sincerely, Mrs. Khan

Dear Mrs. Khan,

There are some things I haf to tell you:
1. its pronounced nyan cat
2. sound test iPhone 5
3. There are some funny comments on youtube (written by Amaterasu) (just so you know, Amaterasu is a dog god from Nippon, Japan, so thats it! syncerly, Arthur

Dear Arthur,

Thanks for correcting me (Nyan Cat). That was fun testing my iPhone, and talking to Siri. Unfortunately, my puppy already had a name... Stewart. Is there another contest you can think of? Sincerely, Mrs. Khan

Dear Mrs. Khan,

No there isnt a contest I can think of as of now but remember how to make me come up with an idea:
Step 1: find me some sources
Step 2: help me mash them together
Step 3: I migte come up with an idea and I migte not.
Step 4: if I dont come up with an idea... repet steps 1 and 2, until I come up with an idea. So yeah, syncerly, Arthur

Dear Arthur,

Thanks for those instructions! I have noticed that your writing has improved. What do you like to do better? Read to self, read to someone, work on writing, or listen to/watch reading? Sincerely, Mrs. Khan

Dear Mrs. Khan

I like to do listen to/watch reding. so.... can I show you the nyan cat website???? Oh, I alamost forgot! We have put the computer project on hold! syncerly, Arthur. P.S. funny strong bad email: the computer said this: GOOD GRAVY I've got two words for the children that are raisd on that crap! HELD BACK. REPETING THE THIRD GRADE. LOW STANDERIZED TEST SCORES. I guess this was more than tow words.

Dear Arthur,

Wow! I can't believe how much you are writing now! You are getting better and better! So are you excited for the celebration? Sincerely, Mrs. Khan

Dear Mrs. Khan,

Yes I am excited for the celebration. There will not be an Arthur magazine this year. The PS3 will be re-scedguled to the day after Crismas.

Dear Arthur,

Happy December! Why is your magazine postponed? Did you have fun at the celebration? What do you think of Stewart? Sincerely, Mrs. Khan

Dear Mrs. Khan,

Arthur magazein is postponed because the year is almost done. Nyan cat???? There is something on youtube (its really funny) its called battle for dream island seson 2 is called battle for dream island again. Can I show you it??? Syncerly, Arthur

Dear Arthur,

So, what did you do on New Year's Eve? Did you stay up until midnight? I'm having some friends over, but I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to stay awake... <3 Mrs. Khan

Dear Mrs. Khan,

Yes I did stay up till midnight. Can you find the word "cat"? Nyan cat nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan (trololololololololololol) Picture: [drawing here] vsause 123we Please watch, Synserely, Arthur

Dear Arthur,

Wow! That's great that you stayed awake on New Year's. I had a hard time. I fell asleep right at midnight on my couch with the pugs! You can show me that thing you drew the picture about, on my phone :) P.S. I found cat! Sincerely, Mrs. Khan

Dear Mrs. Khan,

Good job finding cat! Is the smart bored working? BFDIA/5 is out! its really funny! also: nyan cat? Syncerely, Arthur

Dear Arthur,

The smart board is frustrating me now! Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't >:( I'll try again soon. If it works I'll check out your website. Sincerely, Mrs. Khan
Dear Mrs. Khan,

Check the smart boread because the webstiets are awsome! Or just use your laptop. Please don't shock me! A picture of Ruby: [drawing here] BFDIA5. so do you like it? Arthur out. Synserly, Arthur

Dear Arthur,

Ruby is so cute! I'm glad that you are back at school! I was really worried about you! I hope you are feeling even better today! Good luck to you and your new team! <3 Mrs. Khan

Dear Mrs. Khan,

I cant think of anything to write about. Sincerely, Arthur. JK!! OK now Im done Sincerely, Arthur. P.S. think, think, think!! P.P.S. blah bloopity boopity blah

Dear Arthur,

You better write something today. You are capable of getting a level 4. You will only get a level 1 if you keep writing like your last letter. Sincerely, Mrs. Khan

Dear Mrs. Khan,

This is what my brain looks like today (I think): [scribbly drawing with words like 'grind', 'klonk', 'toot', and 'clink' on it] It feels like theres something sucking all the ideas out of my brain. Nope. Caant think. Sincerely, Arthur

Dear Arthur,

At least you wrote down how your brain feels! That's better than writing nothing at all. Always start with a picture. It will help you think of what to write. Sincerely, Mrs. Khan. P.S. My brain feels like that a lot!

Dear Mrs. Khan,

I still can't think!!! Well heres another picture: [picture] Also, when will we test my running speed? Also, I have 3 really hard quizzes: the impossible quiz 1, 2, and the impossible quiz book (split into 3 parts) Sincerely, Arthur

Dear Arthur,

Let's test your running in the spring, when it's nicer out. What do you mean you have 2 quizzes? Are they in a book that you own? <3 Mrs. Khan

Dear Mrs. Khan,

No they are not in a book. you see, the impossible quiz book is #3. It is also really hard to find! I know where it is!! E4 games! (.com) Plus there on the internet. Ok, I know, I know its not much but its all I could do. Sincerely, Arthur

Dear Arthur,

Yes, you wrote a great letter! I'm proud of you! You are becoming a great writer! Are you proud of yourself too? <3 Mrs. Khan

Dear Mrs. Khan,

Meh. not really. soooo, now?

Dear Arthur,

Ummmmm... the last letter was too short! Since I don't think you were feeling well that day, I'm going to give you a free pass! 5 sentences or more, mister! How was your March break? <3 Mrs. Khan

Dear Mrs. Khan,

March break was good. Uhhh... I went grocere shopping? erm... uhh... here... [drawing] I'm out!

Dear Arthur,

Do you like grocery shopping? I don't really like it. I get bored. I do like looking in the bakery area, though. There are so many yummy cookies and cakes. It smells great too! <3 Mrs. Khan

Dear Mrs. Khan,

Yeah, I think its boring too. As for the bakery... you got that right!! Do you like the candy area? I know I do! Me and my dad have this thing called "speshal fruit". Its where dad picks a firut and I dont know what it is. This time he picked a grapefirut. Sincerely, Arthur

Dear Arthur,

It sounds like you and your dad have a lot of fun together! Yes I do really like the candy aisle. Especially the chocolate section. I also LOVE the chip aisle! Yum! <3 Mrs. Khan

Dear Mrs. Khan,

I like the pastrie aisle and the cake aisle and the muffin aisle. Yeah, I like very very yummy stuff. Sincerely, Arthur P.S. Sorry about this letter being so short.

Dear Arthur,

How did it go while I was away? Anything to report? Did you have a good weekend? What did you do? <3 Mrs. Khan

Dear Mrs. Khan,

It went good. There wasent much going on, just the usual stuff: math, daily 5, socail studies, art, etc etc, you get the point. I dident do much, I watched Monty Pyton's Flying Circus, played computer, watched TV, etc etc. You get the point. Sincerely, Arthur

Dear Arthur,

What is your favourite Monty Python movie? Mine is... of course... The Search for the Holy Grail!! Can you believe you are almost done grade 2?! <3 Mrs. Khan

Dear Mrs. Khan,

I dident mean the movies, I meant the show, but my favourite episode is the chese shop. I can beleve that I am almost done grade 2 AND its exciteing! Sincerely, Arthur P.S. again, sorry for the short letter, but its all I could muster/ think of. Sincerely, Arthur (for realsies)

Dear Arthur,

I am really enjoying your letters these days. On task, and you answer my questions. A lot of kids don't answer my questions and it's disappointing :( I'm glad you are excited about grade 3. You will be great! <3 Mrs. Khan

Dear Mrs. Khan,

I'm not THAT excited about grade 3. My excitedness scale for grade 3 is this: [drawing of a health meter about 50% full] So, yeah, the dentist apointment dident go well... but at least my bum is saved for a couple of weeks!!! Thats all I have to say for now! Arthur out! (Sincerely, Arthur)

Dear Arthur,

So how come you are only about 50% excited about grade 3? I think your teacher will be Mrs. Guitar, or... a mystery teacher. I can't tell you. You will ROCK the EQAO next year! <3 Mrs. Khan

Dear Mrs. Khan,

Sorry for the jumbled name. For the first 20% its only a few days months away. For the rest its for the other stuff were going to do! Aaaanywaaayss, do you know about HOMESTAR RUNNER? Its a funny website with funny flash animations. There will be update spontaneiously and with out warning. so dont be scared if you dont see new cartoons the 10th time you visit the website. Sincerely, Arthur. P.S. you can find it on youtube too! P.P.S. the url: P.P.P.S the urls all one word. Sincerely, Arthur (for realsies!)


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