Taking a bit of a cue from lost_spook and infiniteviking...

Feb 09, 2011 21:23

...who both tend to link YouTube videos and other fascinating things on their journals at intervals, I'm reccing y'all two Star Trek blooper reels of awesome, both of which I've watched numerous times before I finally got around to sharing them with my friends.

The first one is from Deep Space Nine and Voyager - mostly Voyager -

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and the other features the original Starfleet Seven, in a blooper reel from The Voyage Home aka The One With The Whales. (Dang, I forgot how much I miss these guys! Especially De Kelley. Of course.) It is HILARIOUS, especially since Leonard Nimoy is directing as well as acting - so he cracks up on camera quite a bit.

Also the ending is brilliant.

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star trek: voyager, star trek: tos, star trek: ds9

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