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ds9_rewatch - I love that I have just asked someone, quite sincerely, "In what way is the emu demeaning? I'm curious." OH TREK. (FTR, it's demeaning because all Odo gets to do this week is
chase emus and wish Quark into a cell, rather than help solve the nonsense A-plot or anything. But he's so darn cute doing it that I personally will save my ranting-at-writers for Next Week aka "The Forsaken".)
Also, EMUS. Seriously, rewatch chat is awesomeness of awesomeful. :D
William Campbell just died. Trekkies on my flist probably know him as Captain Koloth (one of the first three Klingon captains from TOS, who also made guest appearances on DS9 and, I think, TNG; he appeared in "The Trouble with Tribbles") and Trelane (from "Squire of Gothos", a proto-Q character).
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manowrimo - my wordcount right now is 3453 words. In something like nineteen hours. (I started on Greenwich time, but it's fair because I will also finish on Greenwich time. If I finish.) The thing that scares me the most right now about this whole insane plan? I did the math for May being a 31-day month, and it knocks 54 words off every day's goal.
In other words, I have committed to write 54x30 words on the same story every day of this month. I AM TRULY INSANE. But optimistic! Sort of. ;-)
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