Title: 2024 Rating: PG Pairing: Ricardo Kakà/Andriy Shevchenko (implied) Disclaimer: Fiction. Summary: “He would list off great midfielders for me if I had doubt. He always mentions you.”
I teared up. And I wasn't talking to you right now, I'd have probably cried.
The fact that Jordan is grown up.. it's an entirely new concept, a new idea, I've never read anything like it, never heard anything like it, incredible original and in ways, completely yours.
I like this grown up Jordan. Sure, I'm biased, but yes. It's.. I don't know how to say it. It's not coincidental but not startling, but how you describe how he looks, Andriy automatically pops into my head, yet Jordan is his own person, has his own looks, to not be Andriy and I know I'm babbling but I need to right a good, proper reply for you because this deserves it.
I feel like crying Vy, it's so good. I'm glad you enjoyed writing it because I enjoyed reading it. Hands down, one of my favourite fics ever written
The fact that Jordan is grown up.. it's an entirely new concept, a new idea, I've never read anything like it, never heard anything like it, incredible original and in ways, completely yours.
Hee, we've discussed this-it's been done before, this 'next generation' idea...but I'd like to think my story can hold its own too. Guh, your praising must've gotten to my already-big head! =P
I like this grown up Jordan. Sure, I'm biased, but yes.
Surely you know why I dedicated this to you then. For one thing, we already talked about how we can just give fics to each other without those pesky challenges (!); but I know how much you adore Jordan too. It only seems right. ♥
I liked Jordan's persistence, youthful inquisitiveness, and the unfolding of other little details which reminds me of Andriy. They were talking so comfortably, so effortlessly to each other that it made my heart ache a bit.
It's somewhat difficult to imagine Ricky being older (still looks so much like a boy), but the wisdom shows in his words, and again, how he talked to Jordan like he was his own son = <3.
Mine too, but it was surprisingly easy to write as well. =)
It's somewhat difficult to imagine Ricky being older (still looks so much like a boy)
I agree completely. I was just saying, I can't imagine him at 42, still baby-faced and all. Andriy is easier to picture; he will, I gather, age with his natural sophistication (passed on to the lucky Jordan, I like to think!)-but Ricky...oh, forever the young man.
42 yr old kaka... it's hard. IT'S VERY HARD. he's just too young looking now.. :)) please forgive me for the whole time i was reading rick was still the same age as now. :(
Comments 80
The fact that Jordan is grown up.. it's an entirely new concept, a new idea, I've never read anything like it, never heard anything like it, incredible original and in ways, completely yours.
I like this grown up Jordan. Sure, I'm biased, but yes. It's.. I don't know how to say it. It's not coincidental but not startling, but how you describe how he looks, Andriy automatically pops into my head, yet Jordan is his own person, has his own looks, to not be Andriy and I know I'm babbling but I need to right a good, proper reply for you because this deserves it.
I feel like crying Vy, it's so good. I'm glad you enjoyed writing it because I enjoyed reading it. Hands down, one of my favourite fics ever written
Hee, we've discussed this-it's been done before, this 'next generation' idea...but I'd like to think my story can hold its own too. Guh, your praising must've gotten to my already-big head! =P
I like this grown up Jordan. Sure, I'm biased, but yes.
Surely you know why I dedicated this to you then. For one thing, we already talked about how we can just give fics to each other without those pesky challenges (!); but I know how much you adore Jordan too. It only seems right. ♥
I love you!
(The comment has been removed)
It's somewhat difficult to imagine Ricky being older (still looks so much like a boy), but the wisdom shows in his words, and again, how he talked to Jordan like he was his own son = <3.
Good job! :)
Mine too, but it was surprisingly easy to write as well. =)
It's somewhat difficult to imagine Ricky being older (still looks so much like a boy)
I agree completely. I was just saying, I can't imagine him at 42, still baby-faced and all. Andriy is easier to picture; he will, I gather, age with his natural sophistication (passed on to the lucky Jordan, I like to think!)-but Ricky...oh, forever the young man.
Thank you!
Jordan all grown up, Rick kinda old(quite hard to make the mental image) and the anonymousness of Jordan and gaah... I just ♥ it.
Incredible, isn't it? I can't imagine him at 42 either.
Thank you for reading! ♥
it was my pleasure, dear. :)
Haha! How did you explain a near-twenty Jordan then? =P
“Jordan! Jordan!”
But the boy has disappeared as neatly as he arrived.
I began to cry.
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