Title: Frequently Asked Questions Rating: PG Pairing: Arthur Pendragon/Merlin Disclaimer: Fiction. Comics are based on A Softer World. Summary: In which Merlin is a web comic artist, and Arthur keeps checking his FAQ page.
OH MY FUCKING GOD--can I worship you now? Seriously, can I build you a shrine and rally other followers to the cause? We can have our own holy wars, armed with Truth And Beauty Bombs.
As a massive A Softer World fan, you had my attention right away--as a crazed M/A fangirl, you had me almost dead with the "awww..." factor--that was so incerdibly sweet! The ending was perfect, and the way they met? Beyond perfect, into the realm of the sublime.
The comics, too. It would have been great, even it the comics weren't, but they rang so true, both to this 'ship and the ASW-type style, it was really genuinely fantastic. The third one, especially. Gorgeous.
I loved it, it works perfectly alone, but if you ever were inspired to do a sequel, you should know you have one automatic reader pretty much garunteed to love you for it. Great work!
You're too sweet! Thank you so much for such a kind and lovely comment.
I'm a casual ASW reader, and as I mentioned in my comment to the user above you, I'm aware that these lack the ironic humour/charm of Emily and Joey. XD So I'm pleased that it seems genuine to you; that means a lot to me. ♥
Re. sequel - I'm not sure about more fic in this universe, but there might be more comics.
Comments 176
The secret is beautiful :)
(The comment has been removed)
Thanks so much!
As a massive A Softer World fan, you had my attention right away--as a crazed M/A fangirl, you had me almost dead with the "awww..." factor--that was so incerdibly sweet! The ending was perfect, and the way they met? Beyond perfect, into the realm of the sublime.
The comics, too. It would have been great, even it the comics weren't, but they rang so true, both to this 'ship and the ASW-type style, it was really genuinely fantastic. The third one, especially. Gorgeous.
I loved it, it works perfectly alone, but if you ever were inspired to do a sequel, you should know you have one automatic reader pretty much garunteed to love you for it. Great work!
I'm a casual ASW reader, and as I mentioned in my comment to the user above you, I'm aware that these lack the ironic humour/charm of Emily and Joey. XD So I'm pleased that it seems genuine to you; that means a lot to me. ♥
Re. sequel - I'm not sure about more fic in this universe, but there might be more comics.
Thanks again!
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