Title: Courtship Rituals
darkhawkhealerFandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Hotch/Reid
Rating: FRT
Word Count: Just under 10,800
Warnings/spoilers: Through 4.07. *beams*
Summary/prompt: Written for prompt 1 - Hotch gets a surprise when he arrives early at work, but can also fit with prompt 4- "To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead." (~ Bertrand Russell) Aaron comes to terms with his feelings, if you squint. =)
A/N: My first completed piece of boyslash! Written for
swithers, during the
cm_exchange. With thanks to the two most amazing betas I've ever had the pleasure of working with,
dragonladyk and
Spencer swore up and down it was all Morgan's fault.