I'm grateful for shiny things today. =)
Three names I go by:
1. Jenn
2. Jennifer
3. jennkei
Three Jobs I have had in my life:
1. Medical Receptionist
2. Pharmacist Retail Assistant
3. Slave at World Youth Day
Three Places I Have lived:
1. Sydney, Australia.
2. Singapore
3. Shanghai
Three Favorite Drinks:
1. 7 Up/Sprite!
2. Vodka mixers
3. Juice
Three TV shows that I watch:
1. House
2. Heroes
3. United States of Tara
Three places I have been:
1. Germany
2. US
3. Bangkok
Three people who text me regularly:
1. Niisama
2. .....the Virgin VMail crew
3. ............the dudes who send me automated messages when I upload pics from my phone.
This question makes me ORZ.
Three of my favorite dishes:
1. Satay! Singaporean only. Preferably at Chomp Chomp
2. Charsiew rice (must be good charsiew - and good sauce)
3. Takoyaki
Three friends I think will respond:
Three things you are afraid of:
1. Being alone
2. Losing my loved ones (I guess that's linked >.>)
3. Accidentally walking off train tracks.
Three hobbies:
1. Reading
2. Writing
3. Sleeping. Or laptopping. XD
Three favorite colors:
1. Blue
2. Black
3. Purple
Three favorite sports:
Ew. Sports.
1. Squash
2. Cycling
3. Rollerblading
Three things I am looking forward to:
1. Niisama coming on Saturday =)
2. Watching movies~
3. Sleeping.
Last three books I read:
1. Metropolitan (I think it's by William Walter Jon...was on ebook)
2. Jonny Magic
3. Alex and Me
My three bridesmaids/groomsmen:
Ask me closer to the time.
Three favorite celebrities:
1. Drew Barrymore
2. Hugh Laurie
...hrm. Can't really think of another. ._.
Three favorite websites:
As in most visited or? :P
1. Lightspeed surveys. Finally a place that has decent payment for surveys. XD
2. Commbank or St George's netbanking. Because I like to see money in my account.
3. Google reader.
Last three movies watched:
1. Coraline
2. GI Joe
3. Terminator Salvation
Three inventions I think are inspiring:
1. Fivefinger shoes
2. Computers
3. Wireless.
Three things I collect:
1. Books
2. Manga (files >.>)
3. Random stuff.