I've been trying to get this layout done for a long time... I know pretty much exactly how I want it so if this isn't enough information, just email me and I'll try to clear things up. Thanks!
Preferred Creator (if you have one): Whoever can get it done for me the quickest.
Background Image (please give us the url or leave blank if none):
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v136/tune_me_out/blue2.jpgWhere do you want your image? (right, left, center, etc.): Center
Do you want your background to repeat or appear only once?: Just once.
Background Color: White
Post Comment Link: ignore the smoke and smile
Number of Comments Link: [#] ignored the smoke
Border Thickness(1-lowest;10-highest): None
Border (Solid, Double lines, Dotted, or Dashed): n/a
Border Color: Like a navy blue, matching the picture
Page Title: Call it aftermath
Anything special with the text (bold, italicize, strikethrough etc.): Not the normal text, no
How wide do you want the entry page to be? (0-100%): Hmm... not really sure
Any examples of how you want your livejournal?: Yeah, I kinda made something in Photoshop of how I want it to look.
Where it says "assorted link" I want to be able to change that and put something else up there, y'know, when I figure out something to put there.
Colors (color name or HEX code)
Page text: Black
Page Link Color: Dark blue
Page Link color when you hover mouse: Dark blue
Page visited link: Dark blue
Page active link: Dark blue
Page emphasized text: Ehh... just look at the sample, lol
Page title: See above
Background Page Color: White
Screen Resolution: 1024 x 768
Email address: email_this_freak@juno.com