I've posted before. I work at an Office supplies store. You might even say that if businesses were trains, the store I work at would be their Depot.
*ahem* At any rate, things are beginning to get out of hand. And who do I have to blame for the trouble I'm getting blamed for? CUSTOMERS!
Every corporation has rules that need to be followed. All of these rules are available to customers, or else we wouldn't be able to legally enforce them. They'd be more, sort of, "guidelines."
At any rate, merely because a number of customers are going above our store to complain to my boss's superiors ... BECAUSE WE ARE ENFORCING THEIR CORPORATE POLICIES ... we are getting severe flak from the higher-up hose-heads.
So, now, since my boss and his direct underlings are tired of getting the threat of the axe, we're having a MANDATORY!!!!!1111ELEVENTYONETHOUSANDONEHUNDREDELEVEN~!? meeting to:
(a) get yelled at
(b) get told not to "cop an attitude" around customers
(c) roll over and take one up the ass because "we mustn't make customers angry"
So, essentially, our return policy is going to be as much of a joke as Wal*Mart's.
"Ma'am? You say you bought this machine 4 years ago, it broke when you left it out in the rain during an electrical storm, you want to return it, and you don't have a receipt? SURE! Here's the $4,000 you claim you bought it for, here's some money for a taxi on the way home, and here's a gift card to entice you to come back and cheat us again! Thank you SO much for stopping by... *CHEEZY GRIN, WITH NO SIGN OF SARCASM WHATSOEVER* ...but, we would like to gently remind you that our normal return policy is 14 days with a receipt and all the original packaging, even though you don't have to follow it because we don't want any trouble. G'bye, now!"
And... it doesn't stop there. Why? Because we have DOCUMENTED EXAMPLES of times when we did above-and-beyond what we could and should have done for a customer and they STILL ratted us to corporate for something they didn't like. And they've ADMITTED that their service was exquisite, but they wanted to BITCH anyway!
So, we can theoretically get in trouble just because some schmuck logs onto the corporate complaints page of our website or calls our corporate headquarters and mentions our store/our names and gives us a bad report. In fact, if our names are mentioned SPECIFICALLY, we could get terminated on-spot. Even if we did NOTHING wrong, and actually did MORE than everything right.
If anyone here lives in the Oklahoma City area, and doesn't mind sticking their neck out for someone who's ONE class away from a bachelor's degree in mathematics, I would appreciate the opportunity to pursue a different, full-time career in a field that would actually respect and appreciate me for who I am and what I can do. You can e-mail me at
dlford81@yahoo.com. This entry-level retail crap HAS to go.