So. Suck from yesterday, and a suck from years ago that it reminded me of. Suck 1:
Man calls up and claims he got home and noticed he was given the wrong bag at the register. This happens. As I later found out, there had been a customer before him that forgot her wallet and the order was voided, and the cashier forgot to put the bag aside, so this man apparently just grabbed the first bag he saw.
Here's the thing. If someone has to come back to my store because they were charged the wrong price, or got the wrong bag (happens less often) I give them a gift card for $3. It's from years of living in the boondocks and being 10 miles from the nearest non-grocery. At my current home store and this one I'm helping get started, it's less likely someone drove WAY out of their way to come back here, but idc. Have a gallon of gas and a candy bar on us with what you save on your next purchase. I'm almost sure this is not common practice. (Corporate would probably have my ass in a sling if they found out, but it doesn't happen enough to be on their radar.)
Now Bagless Man did not know this beforehand. He thought he'd be out the gas. I still don't think, however, that it was appropriate to come back for his bag....and not bring the bag he took home instead. The bag that had 4 DVD's and an iphone skin plus a "PL KYCHN".
I also don't get his response when I said I'd need the items back.
Customer: "Oh, it was just some cards and stuff. I didn't think I had to bring it."
Me: "Um....see, we found the void receipt from that order and the bag had DVD's and a skin."
Strangely unruffled customer: "Yeah, but most of those are movies I wanted to see anyway, and I have an iphone so I can maybe use that skiin."
I don't think you understand, sir. I wasn't asking for them back because I was afraid they were a burden to you and that you would be relieved to be rid of them. I was asking for them back because you didn't pay for them. Even if it weren't for the $3 card I'd have given you, you don't get reimbursed for driving back here by getting roughly $75 worth of free stuff. If you left your bag on the bench out front, we don't get to yell SUCKER and keep it when you come back.
I was really at a loss what to do. I didn't feel like I should hold his stuff hostage until he came back with the OTHER stuff, but....really? So I did what any good manager does: Called someone who makes more than me to make the call on this one. Surprisingly he was actually sober in today.
Suck 2:
Remembered suck. Used to work for clothing catalog. Woman calls and says that she got everything she ordered PLUS a shirt she didn't. I thanked her for being honest because many people wouldn't be, then checked and made sure she hadn't been charged (no) and explained I'd be transferring her to someone that would arrange a pickup at no cost to her.
Customer: "Well, I don't really want to go to that kind of trouble."
Me: "No, really it's easy. You can put it back in the same box, then tape it shut and just leave it on the porch. UPS will come pick it up at our expense. They won't even ring the doorbell"
Customer: "Well, but I already tried it on and I like it. It fits me."
Me: "Oh, okay, so you want us to just add that to your account and keep it? That's fine, too."
Keep in mind our shit was ridiculously expensive and that shirt was $30.
Customer: "No, I don't want to pay for it. I was just calling to let you know I had it so you would know why your inventory was off."
It's not that I do not at all understand her logic, because she could have just not called. But....really? If she had sent US back something by accident, and you have no idea how often that happened (either stuff left in pockets or sometimes extra items or whole orders meant for another catalog that were sent to us instead) I'm sure she would throw a shitfit if we called and told her we had it but were going to give it to one of our staff.
tldr: Sometimes the "honest" customers end up being the biggest pains in my ass.