Name: Emily Caitlin
Age : 15
Sex : female
Location : Garden City MI, the skrits of detroit..
5 Favourite Bands:Distillers, NOFX, rancid, tiger army, The horror pops, choking victim,
5 Favourite Films: a clockwork orange, white oleander, slc punk, half baked, dazed and confused,
Why do you think you should be accepted into
cute_as_ever: Because I want to live among the cute people.. arent i? or no?.. well i guess thats why im applying to find out, eh?
Describe yourself in three words: Giver, Bold, bitch.. ( one word for each of sides)
How did you find this community?: random serch
Who is your role model and why?: My role model would have to be myself.. i know what i want in life and i dont think that one person has exactly what I look up too.. yes theres parts of it in alot of people.. but i couldnt pick just one person.. so let me explain.. I think that on a dailey basis you should wake up with a smile.. or at least try.. I think a life with out happiness is something not to short of a waste.. I think that your dreams should be number one in everything, even above love. Love can be lost, and although your dreams can change.. they are format for how you act and do things everyday, Oh the hand of treating people, I have no problem being open and nice, but if theres something i dont like im gonna say it, Inless im just in a bitchy mood and know im just saying to give someone something to cry about, and if anyone is mean to me i have no problem flipping out on them.. but in gerenal i think being nice and sincere count for just about everything
thanks for your time.. <3 emily