i got a pair of boxers, its south park and a pic of cartman and it says "Damn hippies" its friggin awesome. THen i got cargo pants. OOH and i made a security gaurd stand on one leg and hold one hand up. It was hilarious, i took a picture.
ajinlover: i think flies are dirty bastards
flamingkinkos: Yeah
ajinlover: fucking.. argh
flamingkinkos: why?
ajinlover: because... i think they fly around on purpose
ajinlover: cuz they know that they piss us off doing that
ajinlover: i mean.. im sitting right here and some fly flies right in front of me
ajinlover: and then it like .. goes away
ajinlover: so im like .. ok.. ill jsut leave it alone
ajinlover: it'll go away
flamingkinkos: You're wrong
ajinlover: then it comes back 1 minutes later doing the same fucking thing
ajinlover: and im like... ok maybe its the light
ajinlover: so i turn it off and it does it again
ajinlover: and now im pissed off and i grabbed my book hoping to squash the little bastard
ajinlover: and .... its coming
ajinlover: and this took forever to type cuz in the middle of it its flew by again so i just got up and friggin ... followed it
flamingkinkos: *jaws theme music*
ajinlover: yeah well.. the last time i saw it was when it flew into the glass mirror
ajinlover: so im like .. happy now
flamingkinkos: hehehe
ajinlover: and shit son of a bitch
ajinlover: its back!!1
flamingkinkos: it's immortal
ajinlover: shit shit shit
ajinlover: argh noooooooooooooo
ajinlover: i almost had it!!!!!!!!!
ajinlover: ... fuck it, im gonna get it
ajinlover: oh shit
ajinlover: oh shit
ajinlover: oh shit
ajinlover: i broke my lamp
ajinlover: SHIIIITII
flamingkinkos: sucks for you :P
ajinlover: LMAOit still works!!
ajinlover: fuck yeah.. take that fly!!!whahahahhahaahah
flamingkinkos: You've got issues.
ajinlover: shut up. i think i scared the fly
ajinlover: it better not bother me anymore.
flamingkinkos: I bet it will
ajinlover: lol oh damn..
ajinlover: theres like a chunk of glass missing from my lamp now
ajinlover: it looks hell afunny
ajinlover: im gonna take a picture
flamingkinkos: why is your misfortune funny to me?
ajinlover: its funny to me to
ajinlover: so its cool
flamingkinkos: okay
ajinlover: haha i took a picture
flamingkinkos: okay
ajinlover: LOL.. man i do sound psycho
flamingkinkos: yeah
ajinlover: Its back!!
flamingkinkos: hahahahaha
ajinlover: son of a bitch!
flamingkinkos: flies hate you
ajinlover: no that fly came from hell
ajinlover: i swear
ajinlover: its a demon spawn
ajinlover: reincarnate of hitler!!
flamingkinkos: don't worry. i believe you crazy lady
ajinlover: shut it
ajinlover: it is
flamingkinkos: sure it is
ajinlover: im gonna find it
ajinlover: and when i do, ill send it right back where it belongs
ajinlover: hahahaha
flamingkinkos: but if it's a demon you can't kill it.
ajinlover: ... but its also a fliy
ajinlover: and i can so kill it if its a demon
ajinlover: demons are killable
flamingkinkos: but if it's a demon it might just take your soul
ajinlover: ... yeah. i can still kill it without a soul
flamingkinkos: But you'll be soulless
ajinlover: yeah...
ajinlover: and??
ajinlover: wel its too late!
ajinlover: i got it!!
flamingkinkos: i was wrong then
ajinlover: i fucking squashed the hell out of it!!
flamingkinkos: good job
ajinlover: ... i feel so.. accomplished
flamingkinkos: you killed a fly.
ajinlover: .. a DEMON fly
flamingkinkos: there's nothing to prove that
ajinlover: just cuz you cant prove it doesnt mean it isnt so
flamingkinkos: what makes you believe it was a demon?
ajinlover: because...it kept flying around me
ajinlover: and my busted lamp
ajinlover: and it wouldnt stop bothering me
ajinlover: and if flew like RIGHT 2 inches from my face
ajinlover: and my door was opened
flamingkinkos: thats what flies do.
ajinlover: at ANY time that fly could've found the way out
ajinlover: but NOOOOOOOOOOOOO it comes right back
flamingkinkos: again. that's what flies do.
ajinlover: shut it
ajinlover: it was a DEMON fly
ajinlover: what kind of fly will bother you insistently
ajinlover: i mean i was moving
ajinlover: and .. tpying and stuff
ajinlover: fly dont usually bother you that much
flamingkinkos: fine. it was a demon fly.
ajinlover: alright then
ajinlover: glad you agree
flamingkinkos: sure
ajinlover: haha so whats up?
NoSsracer89: nuttin rly, just waiting for the jacooze to heat up
NoSsracer89: i duno how to spell it
he's so cute.