i believe in me.

Jul 18, 2004 14:49

Name: tara.
Age: fifteen.
Sexual Preference: bisexual.
Where you live: sullivan, new hampshire.

Movie: maybe girl with a pearl earring.
Book: the perks of being a wallflower.
Band/Artists/Music Group: tori amos, at the moment.
Author: francesca lia block.

*Opinion Questions (these answers had better be more than 3 sentences)*
~What is your stand on abortion? i am pro-choice. as far as i'm concerned, aborting a fetus is not the same as killing a person. a woman's body is her own and such difficult decisions are up to her [and her partner, if they matter]. as long as it's not partial birth abortion, i have absolutely no problem with it.
~Given the opportunity, would you choose the gender of your un-born child? i would never have children. i'm not fit as a mother and i'm not sure if i ever will be. i'm one of those people who will adopt if they want a child because there are so many homeless kids out there. why bring another one into the world when you can adopt one who already is and give them a better life?
~How do you feel about same sex relationships? i'm bisexual, or more open than straight. i think gay and lesbian couples should be able to get married. at the same time, i think marriages done just because bush is aginst it [kind of like rosie o'donnel's] are wrong, because it's done out of haste. it kind of seems like "haha, we're married, you can't stop us now", which isn't what the gay population is going for. soon enough the government will realize they're being supressed in that sense, and they'll have the right to be wed.
~What do you think could be done to help lessen the amount of people in poverty in the U.S.? this is a lose-lose situation. if prices went down on everything, money would have to be made up by cuts. if more money were made by the government, a dollar would be worth less than what it is. if more people were hired for jobs, everyone in the company would make less. there is no sure way to lower poverty in the u.s., or no real way to do so without other problems. so i guess it will have to be left as is. aside from a job+welfare+disability, there is no way to make money.

~If you could switch lives with a celebrity for a week, who would it be and why? probably lindsay lohan. i absolutely adore her. she's beautiful and she acts well. i think she's my all-time favorite actress. well, at least at the moment she is.
~What do you think happens after death? i think you wait in heaven for awhile or you're automatically reborn. i'm torn between the two ideas.
~How much money do you need to have a happy life? a dollar. with a dollar you can go to the dollar store and buy chapstick, more importantly vanilla chapstick. it's all you'll ever need.
~Do you have any phobias? i have an on/off fear of spiders.

*Because I’m Curious*
~Where did you find out about this community? an anonymous comment on my last public post.
~Do you have confidence in yourself? i'd say i have enough confidence to go out for communities like this one.
~Do you believe you’re a good candidate for this community? of course! i wouldn't join if i didn't think so. x-].

~Where did you promote us to? (3 LJ users, show links here) anonymously...


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