(no subject)

Jul 18, 2004 19:29


Name: Caroline

Age: 21

Sexual Preference: I love those boys!

Where you live: Upstate NY if Im at my parents, CT for school


Movie: Hmmm.... anything with Anthony Hopkins b/c I think hes an amazing actor.  Also, Tuesdays with Morrie, I dont know if it was in theaters, but I loved the book.  I also love those good old movies like Grease, Ferris Bullers Day Off,  Breakfast Club and 16 candles

Book: Tuesdays with Morrie and The Notebook (Havent seen the movie yet)

Band/Artists/Music Group: Aerosmith by far!

Author: I like Nicholas Sparks, even tho his books are all kinda mushy and the same.  I also like Jamaica Kincaid, I've had to read her work for english lit and I really enjoy it.

*Opinion Questions (these answers had better be more than 3 sentences)*

~What is your stand on abortion?  Well, since Im adopted I would feel weird saying I support it.  However, I understand that for some people, its not the right time in their lives to have a child or support it so abortion is their only option.  I dont think it should be done in a casual sense, but I understand why it happens for some people.

~Given the opportunity, would you choose the gender of your un-born child? No, I dont think that messing with that sort of thing is a good idea.  I think that you should let nature run its course and be happy with what happens.  Its worked this long!

~How do you feel about same sex relationships? It's not my thing, but if two people are happy, then let them be.  They cant help the way they feel and they arent hurting anyone, so let then live their lives and enjoy them.  Who are we to judge anyways?

~What do you think could be done to help lessen the amount of people in poverty in the U.S.? Hmmm...I think that alot has to do with the government.  There are alot of laws and bills that have been passed that while trying to help actually hurt people who are in need of money and help.


~If you could switch lives with a celebrity for a week, who would it be and why?  Kiefer Sutherland, because I am crazy about him and his show 24.  I would love to spend a day on the set of 24 and see how it is filmed and all that.

~What do you think happens after death?  I am a firm believer that there is an afterlife where everyone is happy.  Nobody is suffering and it is peaceful.  Maybe I'm dreaming but I believe after death you deserve it.

~How much money do you need to have a happy life?  It really depends on your expectations of your own life.  If you are happy where you are, then whatever you have is what you need.  If you are a money hungry person, then chances are you will never be happy.

~Do you have any phobias?  Oh yes, I am so scared of drowning and deep water.

*Because I’m Curious*

~Where did you find out about this community?  Someone left a post in my journal about it, so I thought I would try it out.

~Do you have confidence in yourself?  I like to think so!

~Do you believe you’re a good candidate for this community?  I believe so, otherwise I would not have filled this out.  I hope you all agree too.

~Where did you promote us to? (3 LJ users, show links here)http://www.livejournal.com/users/luckybrit179/140671.html?view=145791#t145791



I hope I did those right!


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