I believe in me

Jul 08, 2004 01:47

The Application
General Info
Name: Candy
Age: 21
Where You Live: Calgary, Alberta
Sexual Preference: I'm heterosexual
Please Name Your Favorite….
Actors (max 5): Ewan McGregor, Edward Norton, and Jude Law
Actresses (max 5): Drew Barrymore, Lindsay Lohan and Kiera Knightley
Musical Artist/Group/Band: Wide Mouth Mason, Linkin Park, Hoobastank, Britney Spears, Jet, Simple Plan and Good Charlotte
Movie: Moulin Rouge, loveactually, final cut, never been kissed, and bridget jones diary
Book: Harry Potter series
Author: J.K. Rowling
Please Give Your Honest Opinion About….
Abortion: It should be an option...nobody has the right to tell you what you should choose.
Our government (generally, what do you think of it): Well, I live in Canada, so our government is different...but I'm not too pleased with any government right now...Ours keeps taking money and throwing it away or destroying hospitals when we need them.
Same Sex relationships: Yay...all for them. It should not be wrong. Love happens, it shouldn't matter who you fall in love with.
Drug use: It's not a very smart thing to fall into, I did and I learned really quick that all it does is mess with your head and all of your so called friends don't really care about you.
Choosing your baby’s gender: That's just stupid, you shouldn't be able to play god. I wouldn't want to alter my child in anyway, that's just like telling the kid, "You're not good enough for me."
Do you…..
Have confidence in yourself? Yes...it took a lot but I finally learned how to be confident
Think you are a good candidate for this community? (please explain why) No, I don't. I think that I was totally not meant for rating communities but I like to fill out the apps for fun anyway.
Because I’m curious
If you could switch lives with a celebrity for a week, who would it be, and why? Britney Spears. I would try to fix up her life so she wouldn't be viewed as such a bitch.
Where did you find this community? Um, oc_icons...someone put a post saying we were all invited.
What types of people do you appeal to? People who have gone through a lot in life because I tend to understand them better.
Who has influenced you to do something with your life? Too many people. I'm talented in many things and I am influenced by many others who have those talents to do better with my life so I can do what they are doing.
Please post a minimum of 3 pictures. You must be in all pictures. One of them may include other people, pets, etc.

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