i believe in myself.

Jul 11, 2004 20:20


Name:  Sarah.

Age: 15

Sexual Preference:  Straight.

Where you live:  Virginia.


Movie:  White Oleander.

Book:  i can't choose a favorite.

Band/Artists/Music Group:  Franz Ferdinand.

Author:  again,i can't choose a favorite.

*Opinion Questions (these answers had better be more than 3 sentences)*

~What is your stand on abortion? i think that it's wrong to make it against the law.if you were a young girl &were pregnant but you couldn't get an abortion, you'd be miserable.even though it might have been a mistake, you should be able to fix it.but i can understand where people who are against it are coming from.if you are an older woman &you just don't want another kid i can understand why people would think it's wrong for them to have an abortion.

~Given the opportunity, would you choose the gender of your un-born child? to me, the gender of my child doesn't really matter.to some people i guess it might.i don't know why though,it's not like one gender is better than the other.i guess it's a "nice" opportunity.

~How do you feel about same sex relationships? i am 100% for same sex relationships.people that are against it are totally ignorant &biased.it's stupid to think that it's wrong to have a relationship with a person of the same sex.it's the same thing as having a relationship with the opposite sex &if they're in love then it shouldn't matter.

~What do you think could be done to help lessen the amount of people in poverty in the U.S.? i think that better job opportunities should be made for every type of person.i think that some jobs won't hire certain people just because.most poor people don't have good educations but they could still work at McDonalds &make minimum wage.personally,i don't think that they have the stamina to do that though.


~If you could switch lives with a celebrity for a week, who would it be and why?  uh,well.if i thought like them &everything then i would want to be Britney Spears.that's weird,but i want to know what is going on in her head.i think it'd be interesting.

~What do you think happens after death?  i don't think that you go to heaven or anything like that.i don't think that there's an afterlife.we're made up of cells,&when we die they spread out into other things.then we're just gone.it's kind of scary,actually.

~How much money do you need to have a happy life?  when i have money i usually end up blowing it all on food &stuff like that.so enough to buy lots of food &clothes.but other than that i don't need a lot of money to make me happy.

~Do you have any phobias?  i am horribly afraid of clowns.i'm afraid of dying.i'm afraid of my mom dying &me being alone.&once i watched this video on the end of the world &how it's just going to be gone.that scared the shit out of me.i don't really like the dark either.

*Because I’m Curious*

~Where did you find out about this community?  someone posted in my journal &said that i should join.

~Do you have confidence in yourself?  sometimes.i have to be around the right people in order to be fully confident.

~Do you believe you’re a good candidate for this community?  yeah,i think i'm smart.&i think that i'm cute.ha.

~Where did you promote us to? (3 LJ users, show links here)


Please post at least 3 pictures of yourself. As long as you are in at least two, they are fine.




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