So I haven't written anything for a while, so i thought that i would update now...especially because this is much more fun than studying for my aging and development class...ewwwwwness.
SO what is new?? I finished classes a week ago yesterday, and start my exams friday afternoon. four exams and i am half way through my bachelors degree!! yayness to that! Kinda wierd though, it went super fast. So, only what, like 8 years left now?! haha.
Monday was the Death Cab/Franz Ferdinand concert. Holy one of the best concerts i've ever been to!! Death cab was sooooo good, and i liked Franz a lot too...i had never listened to them before, but now i like them lots. The opening band was really good too...they are called the cribs and they had hot british accents. i love accents. During the Death Cab set, the fire alarm started going one moved though. it ended up that nothing was wrong, but still, no one even had to think twice about possibly running for their lives or staying to listen to Death Cab. we're all so smart. But again, nothing was wrong so it was okay. we were really close three or four 'rows' from the front. funnn times. and i think that i am going to two more concerts in june (hopefully): The Fray and Bright Eyes (!!). i need more going to go through withdrawl.
Now for a little bit of bitterness: Last night I was supposed to preclose at work, which would have been awesome cause i probably would have made quite a bit of cash, but of the girls i worked with asked if she could. one of her tables walked out on a forty dollar bill, and when we get dined and dashed, we have to cover the bill (if the manager that was working last nite is unfortunatly for her, he was). so she needed to make money so that she could pay for some morons bill. I mean, it makes me angy enough when people go to a restraunt and don't tip (or tip very poorly) but to go and eat and then walk out on the bill?! like frig, who can be that stupid and selfish? jerks.
oh yes, and Klen is home from Georgia for a week and a bit. that is exciting. also, i am going to (hopefully) get a kitten a week today...yay to that. well, this is getting super long, and i should study. soooooo....yeah, sorri for the longness...thats all for now, i promise.