I'm back from what must have been the sunniest and warmest easter weekend (ok, prolonged weekend) in ages. Brought back an ever-so-slight tan from sleeping in the garden for three days (read: as pastyle as usual), tons of chocolate, and a craving for MOAR HOLIDAY!
And yes, gazillions of pics...
Apple blossoms
Daisies really must be among the prettiest flowers of the world!
Lots of colours at the easter market(s)
Yeah: It's easter, bitches!
Our century-old cemetery that goes way back to the middle ages but is still in use today:
Teh pretteh fountain
As much as I'm not a huge fan of baroque in general (it's... too gaudy a colour palette), I love how its several elements come together in a thought-out and sophisticated way: like this statue of Mary, who, if one positions themselves on the right spot, is crowned by the angels that are located on the facade of the church about 30 metres/100 feet behind the statue.
Kitty, keeping her distance (she suffered from a kind of eye infection, and we had to put some balm into her eye twice a day, which she took great exception to).
Beautiful evening light, almost on a par with the autumnal sun. But doesn't it just make the dandalions glow?
Some remnants of last year's flowers
As of sunday, I'll be off for a working spree in several archives - mainly in one where you are tortured with that magnificent view whenever you leave the building *whimpers*. HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO WORK IN SUCH AN ENVIRONMENT, GODDAMIT?!
Take care, my lovelies!
ETA: Royal wedding? Nice dress, Ms Princess, nice hats, M'ladies all around, NICE speaking voice, Mr Archbishop!