On monday I posted the "Send a Brick" page onto a couple of different communities. In one of them, they're still fighting me. I thought I'd share with you some of the lovely things I've "learned" from them:
We're a democracy, not a republic. Or democracy and republic mean the same thing.
It's disrespectful to refer to the Mexicans as aliens because "To think of any human as less than or equivalent to a completely different species is the first step in disassociation which helped slavery and the Holocaust possible"
The fact that some of my reasons for closing the border are economic is bad.
They have a right to be here. After all we're a country of immigrants.
They aren't dumbing down our population in anyway, even though they refuse to learn our language.
Hopeing that a result from closing the borders will be a Mexican revolution is unrealistic. Because starting the revolution in Iraq turned out so nicely for us.
God is thrown in our faces every 10 minutes and that viloates the first amendment.
Gay's and women's rights are either violates or threatened every day.
Wanting to start dealing with illegal immigration by starting with the Mexico problem is discrimination against Mexicans.
And finally, I'm a cold, heartless, SOB - even though I am clearly female.