Aish, been a while since I updated ahah,
*New layout <3*
but ~ this I swear was for a good reason...
To make an incredibly long story short,
my mom was in a coma in the hospital....
so I have been away for a while~~
Feel free to ask questions, aha, I'd probably
bore the few who read this with a long drawn out story
So yeah, she was in a coma, and had acute organ system failure,
along with a heart attack. She was in the hospital for about
a week, maybe, and 4 days of that week, she was in a coma.
She is back home tho~ doing better~ physical therapy and all :D
I stayed home 3 weeks to help her recover, but
what that means now, is 3 weeks of homework to make up 'ㅅ'
because the seemingly incompetent people at school won't
let me pick it up to do at home >______>; whats even more
stressful is the fact that I have 2 weeks until finals to make up all
the work + tests and quizzes + current class work. and study for finals ㅋ_ㅋ!!
just a very overwhelming feeling ㅎ_ㅎ~~
But!!! I think i can do it, you know? I'm just trying to be positive,
and to just relax, taking it one day at a time <3
although, as strange as it sounds, it was a odd-comforting feeling
not to check my grades every 2 seconds *obsessive, i know...*
anywhoo~ on a much brighter note:
*Drumroll plzzz*
its the LG KF350 phone // LG Ice cream
And! Its pink like this one too! <3 It made me feel so
much happier and so grateful! MUAH! THANKS MOM AND DAD! ゚:。(*-ω-)-ω-*)。:゚
Cute phone to compensate for my birthday being on finals! lol~
well, better head off to finish my lovely tasks for the day!
ah! before i leave however~ feel free to browse/follow my
tumblr (aha I gave in >w<) you can see the side bar with all my links <3