Had some trouble sleeping these past few days, dunno why.
Another episode I’ve been looking forward to - Dragon mythos in canon! This show is reliable for its continuity, so hopefully it’ll have good connections to his birthday episode. Aghhh, missed some of the beginning, thanks to law and order - but aww Fluttershy still scared of dragons, and showing off her new assertiveness! Hurray, continuity already! Though I do have to wonder how the hell FS roped RD into a butterfly watch… ah, the power of friendship. Wait, if they know fuck all about dragons, then why do they know all about the dragon migration? Ah well.
Ah, Pinkie, never stop being you. You too, Rarity, I rather like the outfit. And wow that’s a lot of dragons, what the hell is that ‘rare and unknown’ shit I saw in a clip before? Pinkie why are you scared? Are you doing it due to lack of FS? And Rarity really sounded so interested in dragons just then… my shipper’s heart beats hard. And Spike is manliest. Rarity omg JUST ADMIT YOUR LOVE ALREADY THIS IS SO CUTE even though they’re all pretty freakin’ clueless about his feelings. Didn’t you girls learn earlier this season to take all of your friends problems seriously? SPIKE DON’T CRYYYYY YOUR BIG SISTER WILL HELP YOU. But really, Twi’s school just randomly finds dragon eggs for foals to hatch and never asks where they came from or what to do with them? And whaddya mean ‘next to nothing’? You steal their eggs, they can live dangerously close by, and YOUR MENTOR IS OVER A THOUSAND YEARSOLD, YOU’D THINK SHE COULD CLUE SOMEONE IN. I may be ranting and nitpicking, but how can you know nothing about something that’s been there a while for a long time? SHARKS ARE RARE AND DEADLY BUT WE KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT THEM… erm, anyway. SPIKE STOP CRYING YOU ARE TEARING ME APART. And apparently Rarity and RD are biffles now. I do like they’re mixing up the mane six, like how Iron Will ep had Rarity and Pinkie. RD stop helping you are not helping. RARITY MARRY HIM YOU CLEARLY LOVE HIM WITH ALL YOUR HEART AUUUGH BEST PAIRING. And magic solves everyth-TWI WHAT ARE YOU DOING NO DON’T LET HIM GO WAAAAAAAH ;_; I-I guess maybe it’s the best thing, but… sniffle. But he will come back, right? Right? Those are the fakest smiles ever. But I guess that’s what twi had planned all along. And why do dragons need to migrate anyway? Anything to do with winter wrap up, or the seasons, cause it seems warm.
So how long is this little montage supposed to have taken? How many miles and days? Cause it seems like - CRANKY! PHOENIXES! Whaaaaat even. There are several wild Phoenixes out there but the mane six never knew about them until Celestia shoved a dying one in their faces? And that first big red dragon is familiar, Dragonshy? And teenage dragons - what was that about dragon puberty back in the birthday episode? And… that is the worst costume ever. But I do like all the different designs for these dragons, different colors and different horns. And to no surprise, all dragons are dicks. Why would you want to be like that? And where are all the girl dragons? And do the adults just not give a shit, or just watching with faint amusement. And how did the rest of that costume not catch on fire. And why do I have so many stupid questions. Oh fuck they don’t even take Celestia seriously - very curious about the letter. Oh yeah Twi you stand up for your mentor/possible waifu. I suspect most of these dragons will have ask blogs by the end of the day. LMAO AT SIMILAR DRAGON, BEST GAG. And how do those guys not see the costume eye holes? HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THAT ASS. Okay now this king of the horde thing feels VERY dragonish! Aww way to go little Sp--… well that was brief, can’t give him any luck? And… jumping into lava. How tough are those scales?! Bellyflops are painful so I can sort of agree with their logic. So is this a migration or a frat house. They aren’t even going anywhere. Spike, don’t say that! Your wifu needs you! I need you! And these dragons are dicks!
Phoenixes again! HOW DID NO ONE KNOW ABOUT THEM BEFORE. At least these two phoniex have different designs, points for creativity. Oh Spike no animal violence is wrong! TAKE THE BABIES? YOU ARE SO EVIL, I DON’T’ EVEN UNDERSTAND THE POINT OF THIS GAME, YOU DICKS. Whoo hoo, go parents! Awesome flying with fire animation, and their powers are pretty cool. Except… nooo, that egg ;; SMASH THE EGG?! YOU GUYS ARE MURDERERS, OH MY GOD, THIS IS ACTUALLY REALLY HORRIFIC IMAGINE ALL THE CRYING CHILDREN RIGHT NOW - Yaaay Spike! Yaaay girls! RARITY YOU ARE BEST WIFE. … Well running away might be good, I mean they are still power beings. Spike how many times have you cried in this episode? RARITY MAKING THAT SOUND, YOU LOOOVE HIM. And what a great lesson! And aww continuity photos! And they kept the egg? My heart melts.
I enjoyed this episode, mostly due to shipping potential. Sure, it gave me more questions than answers, but that’s what make fandom discussions fun!