Another Fluttershy episode, so the expectations are high! And a chance to learn more about Pegasi and their role in the pony world… why is it that I hated learning in school but I could sit through hours of lessons about magic ponies?
RD, official leader of the - hello, Derpy - Pegasi, then! And that is one polite mule, to not be taken offense twice in this series. Fluttershy is finally a tree as she always wanted! One wonders where she got the costume. Very amusing continuity takes all throughout this opening. And I guess since RD is ‘close’ with the princesses, she’d be given reign to inform them, lead them, etc.
Okay what. So they have films in ponyville now? Film projectors? Animation? Hilarious use of old style medium. Doctor Whooves! And how nice of Twilight not to mind this gigantic meeting in her house... given that apparently she’s not in it. Hurray, return of the Wonderbolts! And I am digging these background ponies, such great color combos… and… dear god what was that white monstrosity. Stuff of nightmares, that one. Digging all these names too, hopefully shoutouts to older generations and GOD DAMN THAT WHITE ONE, KILL IT KILL IT. Awww even her fake sneezes are adorable. Is Pony pox a real thing there? Awwww that was mean, RD! Though I will admit both ponies are clever enough to think on their hooves. And plenty of opportunities for RD/FS shippers here. Eeee, baby ponies! That coach is a jackass. Awww RD managed to stop herself so she can be nice. She really has learned something over these episodes, and she even left well enough alone! Such good friends. I’m aware I’m saying awww too much, you really can’t avoid it in a Fluttershy ep.
Those not-quite-purple sisters are soooo pretty, I like them. Twilight is a cute dork. And I spy baby Pegasus, so cute. Guess even little kids can supply some power. And now I ship Thunderlane/Blossomforth, so sue me, they’ll probably have an ask blog by the end of the day. WHY IS THAT WHITE ONE A THING, KILL IT, GOOD LORD. Should pony parts crunch that much? Just what the hell is that anatomy? Fluttershy, stop being so unbearably cute, can’t stand it. You can do it, I believe in you! See, everyone is smiling! Could those girls really have been laughing at her? Either way… poor baby ;; Poor bullied honey, I’ve been there… before… DEAR GOD ALL THOSE EYES, HELLO STUFF OF FURTHER NIGHTMARES. Being bullied is a big deal - NOOOO NOT THE TEARS, AUUUUGH, MY HEAAAAAAART. This episode is KILLING me. At least RD feels bad about it, she really does care about her friend’s feelings. Her and the animals… even Angel cares! She’s the Snow White of Ponies! My heart grew three sizes! And now, 80’s sports montage! That’s some strength to actually go through a tree… Um.. shouldn’t a training montage show her improving? Ah, there we go! … Ewww, tear drain. But at least now she’s being beautifully awesome. With this, she stays in place as my favorite Pony. Though I am curious how long that all really took. Fluttershy’s theme with electric guitars, who would have thought? Awwww, no, that’s not fair, only getting up to 2! NO NO NOT TEARS AGAIN! SPIKE SHUT THE HELL UP, LEARN SOME TACT IF YOU WANT IT GIVEN TO YOU. I was wondering how they were going to keep the episode going if Flutters already got up to 10, so this is a very good path.
Yay, Spitefire! Wish the others were here too, but I can be satisfied with just her. Thunderlane, you weren’t just a background gag! And Rumble is a cutie. Feather Flu, what would that even entail? Guess they need the goggles so the water doesn’t get in their eyes. WHY IS THAT ONE WHITE STILL THERE, I HOPE IT DIES, UUUUUGH. Wait, since when was Bonbon a Pegasi? And Flutters you are best friend. And what the hell is even happening in that tornado? That’s really dangerous stuff… and that really ought to hurt your eyes, those goggles don’t do shit. STOP PUTTING THE WHITE ONE ON SCREEN DAMMIT AUGH AUGH AUGH. Wow this is a really tense episode, I am actually worried for them! Fantastic animation, music, emotion, everything! YOU CAN DO IT, FLUTTERSHY! THAT’S MY BABY, GO GO GO! Oh wow this is really getting me pumped up. No no no don’t let the taunts get to you! YES OVERCOME IT, GO GO GO! I am fist pumping the air! It’s so wonderful to see her get over the emotional plight and THAT IS AWESOME WATER ANIMATION! Hahaha, awkward pony hump dance. How are they not all dizzy as hell? Uh... Flutters, you can stop now… Haha, high-five-wing. See Flutters, everyone loves you. Spitfire stop coming onto RD this is not yout episode. See, Flutters, everyone lives you! Pegasi parade!
Awww, what a wonderful episode! I really enjoyed that they didn’t show bullying as her problem, but the memories and trauma of being bullied, that kind of stuff does stick with you for a long time and it is very difficult to get over. So to see her triumph like this was a thing of just made me so happy to see my favorite pony come so far!