Time for another Pinkie ep! I’ve been generally loving her throughout the season, and it’s an interesting way to end the ‘regular’ seasons before we go into that big two-parter next time. And I’m always fond of a good mystery. I hope they make it a toughie. (My bets are on the chocolate moose.)
NGL that cake looks and sounds pretty delicious. And can I say how much I love how much screentime the Cakes have gotten this season? Poor Big Mac, that’s gotta be - Carrot Top! - one heavy cake. Three whole ponies can’t handle this cake? And with magic? Maaaybe this cake is made out of LEAD. Nice face gags with the Cakes, I am in love with Carrot Cake this season. Bahaha, pretty funny ending. Hopefully this episode will continue making more use of the mane six, though I see no Spike. Looks like a pretty good episode thus far. I have a feeling this is not a good episode to watch when hungry… oops.
They took down the wall?! LOL silly ponies. Haha, all of these girls now really act like sisters to each other. … Pinkie you’re making me extra hungry knock it off. Daww the together MMM, must have as reaction gif. Even Fluttershy has a wingboner for it. And… hello there classic snobby French stereotype. I was kinda hoping we’d avoid something like that, but oh well. Donut Joe, there’s a shocker from continuity-land! Fluttershy you’re so adorable. That mule sure looks a lot like Matilda, but maybe I’m a donkey racist. Wait, if this is national, why are they all in ponyville? The way that these trains work is very strange. It’s still light out, why is everyone heading for bed? Pinkie’s hair is magic, let’s just face it. And now we go along with crazy Pinkie, another delve into her startling psyche. Hope we don’t get another case of Pinkamina Party of One results. Those ‘mmm’ noises are so cute. And she’s so sweet to even ask ‘are you okay, thief?’ See Pinkie, stuff like this is why I love you. And FWUMP, sleep, legit giggled there. Pinkie has dog genes to nobody’s surprise. And thus we end with one of Pinkie’s weirdest mouth movements… that actually looked painful to do. And lo, the mystery starts with no clues! Unless Pinkie sleep-eats. Is the lesson going to be ‘stop being so damn paranoid’, cause I thought Twilight pretty much covered that like three times this season. … And wait, did she make an ‘Anything Goes’ reference? These writers are crazy awesome.
Excellent alliteration there, Pinkie. What was that bubble gag even, it didn’t even make sense. Pinkie, master of Genre Savvy. Black and white scratchy footage?! ALL MY LOVE, WRITERS AND ANIMATORS, THIS IS EPIC! Grinned really wide through that media change. Hahaha Pinkie logic is no logic. SPIES?! AGAIN, MY LOVE, HAVE ALL OF IT, AHAHAHA THIS IS TOO GREAT. Carrot Top again! Oh man these references are way too cool. I wonder if these films and books exist in Equestria, or Pinkie has the best imagination in all of ponyland. LOL BERRY AND CARROT INSTANT GLOMP. Awww, poor Joe, but yay Rarity, able to see handsomeness everywhere. Makes me excited for the next segway. NINJAS. JAPAN. ANIME. THANK YOU, MLP. THIS EPISODE’S NOT EVEN OVER AND YET I ALREADY VOTE IT FOR BEING BEST CREATIVE. Pinkie I told you I was hungry, why are you tormenting me. But at least you’re showing kindness and appreciation, kind of. … annnd there you go, Pinkie. Wow, so it couldn’t have been the sleep-eating, and I also have no idea who did it! Maybe the guy putting the coal in the furnace? This is really throwing me for a loop, and I’m looking forward to seeing how they end it.
Haha, switching hats, time for the right roles. She really gets into it, how cute. And she just happens to be carrying manila envelope. The conductor has a very cute Cutie Mark. Love how he didn’t even mind. Twilight, give us a hint, this is driving me batty! I rather like the picture, excellent work there. Gigglesnort at Joe. All this alliteration! Blue feather - RAINBOW DASH, HOW COULD YOU. Er… Fluttershy, how could you? Er… this is not making sense. Did they all take bites? Ewww, fake eyelashes, do not want for my pretty pony. My favorite drama queen. What, they all really did? Girls, that wasn’t nice :/ And the bakers ate the others?! THAT’S SO BEYOND SILLY. Well, with all the ranting I did about her descriptions making me hungry… I guess I can’t fault them too bad. And that is a pretty tasty looking combination, though I do hope they wiped any spit off. Aw, hi Celestia - and her cake call back from the previous episode! Lulz at the ending. I suppose I can understand the moral behind it, but it still kind of seemed haphazardly tagged on.
A harmless episode, really, good for animation gags and an all right mystery.