May 30, 2005 13:45

agggghhhhhhhhh!!!!...sometimes I just wanna fucking scream...I wanted to go to the parade, but nooooooo...I'm stuck in RedNeckVille U.S.A. instead...Senses Fail last night was the shit though...I think I'm leaving here in like an hour or two...oh well...I love you all...Sarah the most though (sorry but ya know)...later kids...check all y'all on the ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

blackeststar May 30 2005, 14:27:57 UTC
psst, i got you candy from the parade, i can't eat anymore, i'll be sick. everyone threw candy at me all the kids were like 'throw the candy at the one with the blue hair' and i got hit in the head with candy. then we followed the parade...to find maryanna. she marched in it. it was the shit. i screamed to her. i walked 3 miles. i almost died. i miss you, but i'll see you tomarrow so it's all good.

i love you.


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