I decided to share some little known details about my life that most of you probably don't know. Velvet_Mace (awesome writer) did it and it seemed like something to do (bored over here). So here it is. Ten Facts about Me! WARNING: Don't read it if you don't want to. I think I am doing this for my memories more than anything.
1. I am twenty-one. And have no clue what I am doing with my life. It's a pretty personal thing, actually. But this is LJ, right? I have no clue what I want to be or where I am headed. I just live day by day hoping an answer will come. I really want to go to New Hampshire.
2.My Best Friends are two gay men. Corey, who has been my absolute closest friend for almost six years. And his lover, Seth, who I can talk to and vent to for hours. I've known him for two years. I just love 'em both. They live in New Hampshire (I used to too) and they put me on speakerphone when they calll me (or vice versa) so I can talk to them both. It makes me feel like I am really there.
3.I have joint custoday of my nephews. My brother and sister-in-law ruined their lives for Meth. It won't be long till they die from it I am sure. Their children got taken away from them (for the fifth time) in April. They were put in a foster home until Mom and I could prove we were the better choice. And just yesterday, we got full gaurdianship of them. Austin is two (and in my class at daycare) and Dallas will be four next weekend.
4.I have a tattoo of Hello Kitty on my shoulder. That's right. It's about the size of a quarter.
5.I haaven't had a boyfriend in years. Yeah... I am picky. I have had offers. Just really picky.
6.My three cats mean more to me than most people do. This is just making me sound really pathetic, isn't it? Ah well. I have three cats, Sylvia (AKA-A small planet that my apartment orbits around), Kit (A cat with down syndrome. I found him in a trashbag and the vet said that the suffocation he was experiences killed too many brain cells), and Atticus (My youngest, cutest and most playful. He is a character.)
7. I smoke Marijuana. I don't want people to think I am a stereotype. I have a steady job, have had one for three years, I don't live in my parent's basement, I live alone. I don't have -any- stoner friends (except Corey, Seth, and my brother). I just... like it. And don't see -why- it is illegal. I don't do it to rebel or to piss anyone off... I do it because I like and my body definately likes it. ^^
8.My mom is probably the Greatest Person in the World. Does anyone watch Gilmore girls? Their relationship is like my mother's and mine. We are extremely close and tell each other -everything- (most of it, you probably wouldn't share with your mom) and she always knows what to do or the answers to everything. I love her a lot.
9.I am the most ecclectic person you will ever meet. I. Love. Music. I listen to it all the time and can't seem to function right with out for long periods of time. I like it all. Country, rap, hard metal, pop, songs from Disney Movies, classical, instrumentals, techno, punk... I have yet to find an artist I don't like. I may not like ALL of their music, but I will find something of their work I love. A lot of people aren't like that.
10.I have Lupus. Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease that can affect the skin, joints, kidneys, lungs, nervous system, and internal organs. My lungs are really bad. I need a kidney transplant. For about three months of the year, I look like a burn victim, because my skin breaks out in blisters and red swollen patches around my body. It sucks and I'll probably die from it eventually. But I have come to terms with it a long time ago. It's just a large part of my life not a lot of people know.