There have been so many let downs this year. all the people who have been behind me all this time I just feel like have let me down. Sometimes when Im talking to some people they make me feel like a friggin idiot
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Katie... you can't say you know why you get boy roles... because a lot of girls are casted as boy roles, ive only played a girl role once in my dancing career, ak plays boy roles all the time and look how little she is!
I don't think you can do it. I KNOW that you can do it.
The thing we have to remember and the thing that I fought when I was at my biggest size and even NOW, is that in order to be cast with the rest of players who get so much so easily, it isn't enough to be good, you have to be superior. As much as people lie size DOES matter and people do, consciously or subconciously, cast accordingly. Cullens-Feldman, exceptions? Hell no. Love them anyway? Hell yesI know you can be whatever you apply yourself to be. Katie, I love you like family and I am a super big fan of you. I think the gymnastics is a plus and will probably work to your advantage someday. But for today, rest assured, because of the way appeal is ranked in this damn country, your abilities will have to shine so brightly that the fact that you could probably kick the fairy-of-a-leading man's ASS, won't matter
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i love you. listen, this size shit is crap. you are great kt and one day people will cry when they see you on stage. happy crying i mean. just your presence will give them this atmosphere of greatness. i'm not a size two, hell i'm not even a size twelve, although that would be nice, anyway what i've learned is that you gotta be comfortable with who you are. love yourself and the rest will follow. all you gotta have is confidence. feldman and cullens aren't the end of all things. I know you know that and not ever leading lady rule calls for an anorexic toothpick. you'll do it kt. i believe in you. ~kitty
Comments 8
I don't think you can do it. I KNOW that you can do it.
The thing we have to remember and the thing that I fought when I was at my biggest size and even NOW, is that in order to be cast with the rest of players who get so much so easily, it isn't enough to be good, you have to be superior. As much as people lie size DOES matter and people do, consciously or subconciously, cast accordingly. Cullens-Feldman, exceptions? Hell no. Love them anyway? Hell yesI know you can be whatever you apply yourself to be. Katie, I love you like family and I am a super big fan of you. I think the gymnastics is a plus and will probably work to your advantage someday. But for today, rest assured, because of the way appeal is ranked in this damn country, your abilities will have to shine so brightly that the fact that you could probably kick the fairy-of-a-leading man's ASS, won't matter ( ... )
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