Age: 16
Birthday: January 1st
Sexuality: Straight
Status: single, but looking.
Location: Roseville, Michigan
Interests: dance, concerts, DDR, Euchre, friends, photography.
Activities: I'm on my school's dance team.
Favorite Color: hott orange and pink
Favorite Shampoo: Garnier Fructis :D
Favorite Movies: Party Monster, Empire Records, Wayne's World
Favorite TV Shows: Whoe Line Is It, Anyway?, Law and Order: SVU, and Family Guy
Favorite Actors/Actresses: Rory Cochrane/Ryan Gosling....Joey Lauren Adams/Amanda Peet
Favorite Foods: lasagna, chilli, PIZZA ROLLS
Favorite Bands/Singers: Lucky Boys Confusion, The Plain White T's, From Autumn to Ashes, Fall Out Boy, Funeral For a Friend, From First To Last, Scary Kids Scaring Kids...yeah I'm going to stop there because I could sit hear talking about music all day...
Favorite Clothing Stores: Anthropology, The T-Shirt Place (best place ever for band T-Shirts), PacSun
Three Favorite Words & Why: "bitchin'" , cause it's fun to say, "fosho", I dunno why, it's just funny, and "damn"...I've been saying that a lot lately because my friend Kyle always says it, and I'm with him a lot.
Word Relation
Whats the first word that comes to your head beginning with these letters:
C: chronic. Because my friend (who smokes) is talking about it.
U: underwear
T: trippy
I: ironic...like that song... "Isn't it ironic? Don'tcha think?" haha
E: easy. hah.
S: shibby
How did you find this community?:
emo_fairy_talesWho do you like better, Jessica or Ashlee; Why?: I personally hate both, because I think they're both retarded, but if I had to pick I'd pick Jessica because she doesn't try to be something she's not.
Tell us about a time where you got into trouble: ummm, my friend Lauren and I walked out of my science class so many times last year, my teacher yelled at us so much. IDK, I usually don't get caught when I do bad stuff 0=)
Tell us about a time that you would have gotten in trouble had you been caught: I've trying smoking pot before, and if my dad knew he'd basically disown me.
Tell us about a joke or a funny story you have heard: how about a funny poem?
"The O.J. Murder Trial" by Dr.Seuss
I did not kill my lovely wife.
I did not slash her with a knife.
I did not bonk her on the head.
I did not know that she was dead.
I stayed at home that fateful night.
I took a cab, then took a flight.
The bag I had was just for me.
My bag! My bag! Hey, leave it be.
When I came home I had a gash.
My hand was cut from broken glass.
I cut my hand on broken glass.
A broken glass did cause that gash.
I have nothing, nothing to hide.
My friend, he took me for a ride.
Did you take this person's life?
Did you do it with a knife?
I did not do it with a knife.
I did not, could not kill my wife.
I did not do this awful crime.
I could not, would not anytime.
Did you hit her from above?
Did you drop this bloody glove?
I did not hit her from above.
I cannot even wear that glove.
I did not do it with a knife.
I did not, could not kill my wife.
I did not do this awful crime.
I could not, would not, not anytime.
And now I'm free, I can return
To my house for which I yearn.
And to my family whom I love.
Hey now I'm free -- Give back my glove!!
What is your dream, in other words what do you hope to accomplish or become in the future: I want to get married and have 2 kids, 1 boy 1 girl, Joshua Ian and Autumn Lynn. I want to be a high school counselor because I love helping people. I want to die happy and loved, not alone. That's basically all I want, is to be happy.
Promotions = Bonuse Points
These are not mandatory for the application, but it would be nice if you would promote us.
~ Promote us in your own journal as a post, and show the link:
xdrunkwithlust_~ Promote us to 3 journals and show the links:
123~ Promote us to at least 2 communities and show the links:
12 Would you mind if I promoted another day? I was just promoting my community and I don't want to get my journal suspended.
I will promote though.
3-5 Pictures of yourself
2 Body Shots
(white tank)
You and your best friend/someone special