Name: Mandi Renee
Age: 16
Birthday: May 14, 1989
Sexuality: straight
Status: I have the sexiest boyfriend alive, Ryan!
Location: Fresno, CA
Interests: chatting on IM, hanging with friends, shopping
Activities: Isn't that pretty much the same thing?
Favorite Color: pink
Favorite Shampoo: garner Fructisse
Favorite Movies: american Pie, dirty Dancing Havana Nights, Mean Girls
Favorite TV Shows: Pimp my Ride, Laguna beach, OC
Favorite Actors/Actresses: Lindsay Lohan (even though she's kind of a whore), MK&A, tom Welling, Ryan Atwood
Favorite Foods: salads, lemonade, Dominos pizza
Favorite Bands/Singers: GREEN DAY, my Chemical Romance, ryan Cabrera
Favorite Clothing Stores: Hollister, Abercrombie, American Eagle
Three Favorite Words & Why: ...weird question, but okay.
like: I don't know why I like it, I just always say it all of the time.
Fine: you can use it to describe your feelings all of the time.
love: such a strong word, especially when your boyfriend uses it for the first time to you. ;)
Word Relation
Whats the first word that comes to your head beginning with these letters:
C: cat
U: ugh
T: there
I: I (you know, me)
E: emily (friend of mine)
S: sweetheart
How did you find this community?: i searched "beautiful" on interests
Who do you like better, Jessica or Ashlee; Why?: Ashlee, because she's not a dumbass
Tell us about a time where you got into trouble: me and my friends were skipping class and we went in the store near it. one of my friends decided to be an idiot and he started messing with the store owner. he kicked us out and called the school, and we all got suspended. God that sucked.
Tell us about a time that you would have gotten in trouble had you been caught: if my parents had any idea how far ryan and me have gone. ;)
Tell us about a joke or a funny story you have heard:
Q: What do you call it when a blonde dies their hair brunette?
A: Artificial intelligence.
What is your dream, in other words what do you hope to accomplish or become in the future: I really want to be a fashion designer, i think I could make some really cute clothes that people would like. and I'd always be really well-dressed!
Promotions = Bonuse Points
These are not mandatory for the application, but it would be nice if you would promote us.
~ Promote us in your own journal as a post, and show the link:
~ Promote us to 3 journals and show the links:
~ Promote us to at least 2 communities and show the links:
3-5 Pictures of yourself
2 Body Shots
You and your best friend/someone special
< my beautiful boyfriend ryan!