May 28, 2010 14:16
Please, fill out the following form and post your replies in the comments. Be as specific as possible so I can make sure you don't get something you are uncomfortable with. :)
LJ user name:
Email address:
Are you a writer or artist?
Do you prefer to receive art or fic?
You want to receive:
Characters/Pairings you want to receive:
Characters/Pairings you DON'T want:
Likes (please be as specific as possible):
Dislikes (please be as specific as possible):
Do you want to receive fandom OCs? If so, please elaborate as to which ones:
3-5 prompts:
Highest rating you want to receive:
You would prefer to write/draw
Characters/Pairings you want to write/draw:
Characters/Pairings you DON'Twant to write/draw:
Any kinks you would prefer to write or draw:
Any kinks, squicks or genres you won't write/draw: (be as specific as possible)
Do you want to write fandom OCs? If so, please elaborate as to which ones:
Highest rating you want to give:
Would you be willing to do a pinch-hit if needed?
The name of someone your gifter may go to if they have a question about your preferences? (optional, you can also contact me with any questions I should forward to your recipient)
If in doubt, drop me an email:
mod post,
fic exchange 2010