Weekend Chat

Jun 05, 2010 12:42

Hello again everybody, I hope you had a pleasant week and are ready to have some fun. I thought this weekend I'd try to get you to write (when do I ever not? :P) I have two propositions

1) Pairing Chain: I write a drabble/ficlet/whatever about a pairing, and whoever feels like it writes something with a different pairing that features one of the characters from the previous fic. Example: I write Beckett/James, the next person writes for example Beckett/Mercer or James/Groves, and so on. Try no to repeat a pairing if possible but this is a fairly lax rule. It would be great to get as many new pairings out there as possible, though.

2) Prompt Bingo: The idea is shamelessly pirated from a community called kink_bingo and slightly altered for our purposes. The idea is that you request a card, which is basically a prompt table and you have to write fic or create art with those prompts so that  you form horizontal/diagonal/vertical lines or an X pattern or a + pattern. (For examples see the first 4 tables here http://kink-bingo.dreamwidth.org/101261.html ) Once you have your line or pattern you can request a new card or just go on filling in the other prompts. This is an open ended challenge and will be a constant feature from now on if it's well received. :)

Example for how I imagine a card to look like (you can request a bigger card if you want but I figured this is good for a start):
petBeckett/Mercerscarsoral fixationpicture prompthappy endingswordNC-17Tortuga

mod post, weekend chat

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