well i leave for fla today. peace out bitches
Name: holly
Age: 18
Birth date: dec 5
Birthplace: fl
Current Location: laplata md
Eye Color: brown/green
Hair Color: black & blonde Height: 5'8
Righty or Lefty: righty
Zodiac Sign: sag-i-something i cant spell
Marital Status: pete
Nicknames: well peter calls me tittie i dont like that nickname everyone else thinks its funny
Siblings: one sister,some evil step sisters
What did u do yesterday? packed and got ready, dyed my hair
What are you doing tomorrow? driving to the tattoo convention
What are you listening to? saved by the bell on tv
What country would you most like to visit?: italy and jamaica What are you most afraid of?: spiders
What are you wearing? hockey jersey and shorts
What are you thinking about right now? plane ride in a few hours
If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: the brown one...the ugliest in the box
One pillow or two, cotton or feather?: i have a billion of them.
How do you eat a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup?: with my mouth you sick fuck
Understanding?: yes
Arrogant?: n0
Insecure?: about being fat i suppose
Interesting?: yes
Friendly?: yes
Smart?: yes
Moody?: yes
Childish?: not realy
Independent?: yes,very
Emotionally Stable?: haha i think we all know the answer to that one
Shy?: no
Attractive?: no
Bored Easily?: yes
Responsible?: yes
Sad?: no
Obsessive?: sometimes
Obsessive compulsive?: no
Psycho?: haha yep
Your heritage?: italian & welsh
Your weakness?: too trusting
Your fears?: i answered this
Your perfect pizza?: CHEESE,mushroom,chicken
Your current Mood?: anxious
Your current Music?: still saved by the bell
Your current Taste?: morning breath
Your current Hair?: messy&dumb
Your current Smell: n/a
Your current Favorite Celebrity: n/a
Your most overused phrase on AIM/AOL/MN: lol
The worst song you ever heard:from that commercial.."iim on fire im so hot im so hot"
The last thing you ate?: sgetti
The last thing you said?: good bye i love you so much
The best song you ever heard?:anything by sublime
The shoes you wore today?: always flipflops
The most embarrassing thing you've done? eh
Your room is like?: a pile of laundry and weed residue
Goal you'd like to achieve?: professional photographer status
Fallen for your best friend?: no
Done something you regret?: who hasn't?
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: no
Smoked?: yes hahah all the time fucker
Broken the law?: everyday
Broken a bone? nope
Cheated on a test?: when i was real young
Played truth or dare?: hah, 8th grade.
Flashed someone?: yes
Mooned someone?: yes
Kissed someone you didn't know?: no
Been in a physical fight?: yes...many
Ridden in a police car?: haha yea
Been on a plane?: yes...today
Come close to dying? well i had a gun held to my head one time. and i always thinkg im about to die somehow.
Been in a sauna? yes they suck
Been in a hot tub?: yes
Swam in the ocean?: , yes
Done illegal drugs?: yes
Been trashed or extremely intoxicaed?: yes
Been called a tease?:yes by my boyfriend
Gotten beaten up?: when i got jumped by 5 cuban bitches.
Considered a life of crime?: no?
You talked to in person?: pete
You talked to on the phone?: jamie at 7 this morning
You instant messaged?: umm anne or chris last nite
You had lunch with?: pete
You kissed?: pete
Who broke your heart? dawn...when she was real sad
You had physical contact with? pete
Color your hair?: yes
Have tattoos? 7, potrait of my mom,lily,mysterious woman on ribcage, knife that says mommy, hear with wings, lower back piece and small star on ankle
Have Piercings?: monroe,septum,ears,nips
Floss daily? hell no
Own a web cam?: no
Ever get off the darn computer?: never
Like Parks?: a lot
Like school?: no
Collect anything?: not really
Work?: yes
Like shopping?: im addicted
Party?: yes
Smoke?: yes i alreayd answered this
Sing?: yes
Have a crush?: no
Do you think you've been in love?: yes
Want to go to college?: yes
Like high school?: no
Want to get married?: yes
Do you have a lava lamp?: no ew
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: i sleep with a real animal...my dog
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi...diet
McDonald's or Burger King:mcd
Single or group dates: depends
Adidas or Nike: no
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: lipton ice tea
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
Cappuccino or coffee: neither,,,,frapuchinos
Chicken or fish: chicken
Boxers or Briefs: neither
TV or Movies: movies
Dogs or Cats: DOGS!
Half empty or half full: half empty
Gone on a date?: i guess
Gone to the mall?: yes
Made homemade cookies?: no
Dyed your hair?: yesterday
Aliens? yes
Yourself? sometimes
Ghosts? yes
Love? i guess
Love at first sight?
The tooth fairy?: no
Santa Claus?: no
The Easter Bunny?: no
Where do you want to go to college? philly..antonelli institute.
What do you want to be when you grow up? photographer.
Where do you want to get married? beach
Do you want to have a small or big wedding? medium
Where do you want to go on your honeymoon? italy or jamaica
Do you want to have children? yes.
How many children do you want to have? one maybe 2
What do you want to name them? lilly and julian
Where do you want to live? anywhere in my dream house
Was this survey worth your time? no