Show Must Go On!

Jul 21, 2011 18:55

Been a lot better today :) Finally don't break down in sobs mid-sentence randomly, and I just feel so much better about myself and about not living with that jerk by my side every living second :)

I got SOOOO MUCH DONE TODAY! 8D It was the first day away from him since he became an asshole, so it was awesome.

I finished Henry James' A Turn of the Screw and started the last book I'm required to read this summer: Song of Soloman by Toni Morrison. I really like it and I'm only 20 pages into it :)

I'm finally able to listen to music again without dying XD The only thing I could listen to before was Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata." Talk about break downs. But now I'm blasting Queen, and last night I was playing the Beatles and watching Help!, which was so liberating cuz my bitch was always getting jealous of George Harrison, so I had to force myself to get a divorce with him. But I have all 3 of my husbands back again! Yum, polygamy <3 ;D (George, Clapton, Keith Moon)

Gonna go horseback riding WITHOUT him. He actually is my "friend" now, but he was being a total selfish bitch and wanted me to keep giving and giving with no love in return. It's not healthy. So screw that bastard, I'm done. Sunday, I'm gonna get to ride a horse! Or maybe 3 8D

I actually watched half of Seabiscuit this afternoon and sobbed over that cuz it's more worthy of my emotions than some ass who cares more about his sobriety (or lack of) and conditions of his dick than about me or my feelings.

I've gotten some requests for pics of my hair, so here! First actually pics I'm posting of myself on LJ! Took me long enough : /

Ughh I is so gross, sry for not warning you to shield your eyes :S

It's so great to be single again! Oh, sweet relief. Fuck yeah :D Thanks for all the support, bb's <3

music, horseback riding, pics, queen, studying, love, horses, movies, me, books, happiness, boys

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