Popular opinion says Friday, so mark your calendars for Friday, June 3. Popular opinion also says it's broke, so I'll go for the $7 seats. More details to follow.
Okay, for those of you who are interested (Annie, Lindsey, Jackie):
There are home games Wendnesday June 1, then the following Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. All start at 7:05 except for Sunday (1:05). I would prefer to go during a weekday because I'll be in DC anyway...Wednesdays are $5 with your student ID, but I know Annie can't make it Wednesday. So, Thursday or Friday would be best. Tickets range from $7-45, and obviously the more expensive ones are harder to get.
Seating and Pricing:
http://washington.nationals.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/was/ballpark/seating_pricing.jsp I personally do not want to spend more than $15 on a ticket, so let me know which seats you would like.
I can buy the tickets either during the week while I'm at work or online and you all can pay me back.
Please let me know a) if you want to come, b) what day you want to go, and c) what seats you prefer.
If anyone else is interested, please come too!!! I figure you all can meet me down in DC and we can go out to dinner and then go to the game...it'll be a fun time!!!
Holla if you're in!