I am so sick of people accusing me of being "uptight" and "pathetic" when I do homework on Friday and Saturday nights. I am sorry if I am getting ahead for the week while you are getting trashed, meaning that I can spend more time relaxing during the week while you are frantically doing your homework. I am sorry if my being sober while you are trashed makes you feel like a bad person. Stop telling me, "I am going to take you out to a party," or, "You need to get wasted, man." If I wanted that, I would do that. But in case you haven't noticed, the dorms are quietest from about 10 pm - 2 am on Friday and Saturday nights, which means that I can get work done twice as quickly. Sure, it's nerdy. But last I checked, nerds run the world. Nevermind the fact that my parents are paying upwards of twelve thousand dollars a year for me to get an education. I've straightened up a bunch since last year, and now that I am determined to do well, I find I enjoy doing work like I used to. Sorry, I know that was random, but it's true. So please, stop telling me to go out if I want to do homework. Stop telling me that I "need" to get wasted. I am not anti-alcohol, but I am anti-drinking to get drunk. I have friends, I have a life, and I am happy the way I am. Thank you. I will now get off my soapbox.