diet coke is basically a sick joke played by the dieting industry. Whenever i see someone order it i start ranting about how it contains an appitite stimulant. the best one is when i see someone behind me at a supermarket checkout unloading their basket onto the belt. Typically it goes: Virity pack of crisps. biscuits. Bar of chocolait. Bag of sweets. Frozen pizza. six pack of diet coke... reminds me of this girl i knew at school, who refused to eat butter or anything but low fat margonine... but she would eat bars of chocolait. i actually love soda water, much more refreshing then plane...
Comments 4
the best one is when i see someone behind me at a supermarket checkout unloading their basket onto the belt. Typically it goes: Virity pack of crisps. biscuits. Bar of chocolait. Bag of sweets. Frozen pizza. six pack of diet coke...
reminds me of this girl i knew at school, who refused to eat butter or anything but low fat margonine... but she would eat bars of chocolait.
i actually love soda water, much more refreshing then plane...
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