lastvoyages application

Apr 28, 2010 00:12

User Name/Nick:  Arden
User LJ:  @dancinpenguins 
AIM/IM: thegreatmuldini
E-mail: kiwi4ever13[at]hotmail[dot]com
Other Characters: N/A

Character Name:  Buffy Anne Summers
Series:  Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Angel the Series
Age:  22.
From When?:  Between the end of S7 on the TV show & the beginning of S8 comics.

Inmate/Warden:  Warden.  Buffy remains, at heart, a strong, heroic character, and by the end of the series she's come a great way towards  learning how to use her skills in the role of a teacher and mentor.   She isn't always the best teacher, but that's part of the process, and she at least has the drive to see others strive for improvement that's necessary as a warden.  She has incredibly high expectations for other people's behavior as well as their moral standards, and doesn't waste words in evincing her disappointment when they aren't met.    While her methods of leadership can border on being quite arrogant, there's still no doubt that she has natural charisma, and inspires the people around her to fight, and to better themselves.

Buffy's deal with the Admiral was to secure her sister's future, given the dangerous lifestyle Buffy leads and the way she's been left without any real source of income or way to provide for Dawn.  She wants her to be able to go on to finish her education, and to be granted the promise of health and happiness, on a reasonable scale.   (She feels like Dawn's dealt with enough severe trauma for any teenager).

Item:  Stake (aka Mr. Pointy).

Abilities/Powers: Slayer strength & combat expertise.  Buffy's only real "supernatural" ability is the power she's been imbued with from the ancient line of Slayers.  It provides her with exceptional levels of strength, that allow her to be able to pierce into vampire's rib cages with a slice of wood, take on powerful demons, or survive vigorous beatings.  Her pain tolerance is phenomenal, and she can almost immediately recover from being bodily flung into (or occasionally through) walls, etc.  Her reflexes are also sharper than a regular human's, but she must train to keep them honed.  Most importantly, perhaps, she packs years worth of near-daily fighting expertise under her belt, and has a basic to advanced level of skill with a wide range of weaponry, including swords, great axes, and more.

Personality:  This life chose Buffy, but she chooses to accept it.  No matter how much Buffy may feel trapped by her fate, it's a responsibility that she doesn't take lightly.  She recognizes fully well the consequences of not making use of her abilities.  This is what ultimately makes Buffy a good person - she doesn't see the option of just saying No, because it will result in good people getting hurt, while she stands by with the tools to stop it from happening.

She's been there, done that.  By the end of the series, Buffy has dealt with Apocalypses (plural), died (twice), watched the people she loves die, trained girls to step into a life of destruction and death, loved and lost and loved and lost and loved and lost, and slayed fifty times more vampires and demons than she has pairs of shoes (impressive).  It takes a lot to really phase her, which is why she reacts to so much with dry wit.

What separates Buffy from Faith is her ability to connect to others, the network of positive support she's received, and the way she's able to appreciate this.  This is demonstrated beautifully in the body switching episode of S4.  At that time in her life, Buffy is in danger of forgetting that a lot of her strength comes from her friends and family.  They are what keep her grounded, keep her from becoming overly  focused on herself, give her something to fight for.

Buffy is not your average girl, and she's never had a normal life.  If there's anything Buffy has missed out on, it's the experience of being a normal person.  In the past, this has been incredibly hard on her, and there are moments when she still views it with a touch of wistfulness.  But dwelling on that path leads to regretting the abilities that she has, which brings us back to point one.  Either way, it's still sometimes hard for Buffy to reconcile her own experiences with a 'normal persons' or to feel like a part of the world she fights to protect.

Buffy kicks ass.  Sure, she cries sometimes over boys, same as any girl. Sure, she loves shopping and girly time with her Will.  Sure, she wants her hair and makeup to look nice.  But, in the end, Buffy's a strong female character, who's resourceful, tough as nails, focused, driven, physically adept, witty, and powerful.  She shouldn't spend more time angsting than she does pwning - even though she might use angst as fuel for slaying.  By the end of the series, having taken the Slayerettes in hand, she's much more mature, and has fully accepted her responsibilties.

History:  Once Queen Bee of her high school, the popular and slightly air-headed Valley Girl cheerleader had her life turned around by a call to destiny when she was only fifteen.  Finding out she was the One and Only Vampire Slayer changed her world irrevocably, and she trained how to find vampires, demons, and other nasty things that go bump in the night under her first Watcher, Merrick.  When he was gone, she was left to fight the vampire king Lothos on her own, and managed to defeat him, all the while burning down her school's gym simultaneously.  Her parents, thinking she was nuts going on about vampires etc., checked her into a mental institute for a short time, until she stopped talking about it.  This prompted a move to the small town of Sunnydale, following the divorce of Buffy's parents, Joyce and Hank.  Joyce and Buffy meant to make a "new life" in the quiet California town: too bad it was seated on a Hellmouth.   In the years that followed, Buffy acquired a new Watcher, made strong friends and allies, fell in love with a vampire or two, died on multiple occasions, and saved the world a helluva lot, culminating in a battle against the Primordial Evil that ended with the destruction of her entire town.  During this battle, every potential Slayer in the world was awakened to her Slayer powers, and Buffy's job since leaving Sunnydale has been to try to bring order to the chaos, and train them in their new abilities.

Of course, this is only the quickest, dirtiest summary of her life ever, so you can find much more detailed information here.

Sample Journal Entry:

After dealing with an army of last-bagel-gobbling bathroom-hogging three-am-giggle-fest Slayerettes in training for months on end?  I'm pretty sure dealing with reforming one hardened criminal will feel like something of a vacation.  I mean hey, there's no looming Apocalypse, no nightly vigils at fresh grave sites (one of the many advantages of boats - that whole lack of cemeteries thing), and no one lifting my hairspray every time I turn around.

Sounds like cake.

Or at least like one of those little Hostess cupcake things you can get out of vending machines, which aren't as good as real cake, but they're still tasty if you don't think too hard about that whole nutritional value thing.

Oh, I should probably introduce myself.  Buffy Summers.  Slayer.  Long resume of world saving, and new resident warden.

But no really, are there any vending machines on this boat?


Also an example of her voice in comment threads from... many moons again with TLV's current Spike, discussing LV.

Sample RP:   Written in regards to crowdedhour .  If that's not sufficient, let me know:

As childish as it might have been, there was a part of her that really didn't want to go alone.

There was an even smaller part, hardly audible deep within the recesses of her heart, that didn't want to go at all.

Everybody else was together right now, in some way, some form.  Even Faith, who'd run off to Cleveland to deal with big bad Hellmouth mach 2, had Robin with her, and some of the Slayerettes.  Ones she considered friends, as well, seeing as how she'd actually made the time for it.  Not just the time either... the effort.  It was easy for Faith though.  People liked her.   She had something magnetic.  It certainly wasn't tact, or kindheartedness, or good manners, but it was fascinating nonetheless, and the girls had responded to that.

As much as Buffy had always felt apart from the crowd, being The Slayer, she'd never categorized herself as 'fascinating'.  Here she was, some sort of living legend, making young vampires quake in their snakeskin boots, but when it came down to it, she wasn't sure how much of anything she was besides the Slayer.

As she looked out the window of the helicopter, watching the clouds haze across the landscape below, her thoughts drifted to Willow and Xander, Giles and Dawn.  She knew how much their world-savey teamness meant to all of them.  How it defined their lives too.  But she could imagine, however briefly, how each of them might go on if they woke up the next day and vamps had vanished off the face of the earth.  Demons disappeared back into the pits of Hell.  She could sort out little alternate futures for each one of them.  They had personalities that would allow that.  Pieces of themselves that still belonged to ye olde mundane world.

She couldn't imagine any such destiny for herself, though.  Which was part of the frightening bit of no longer being the only (excepting Faith) slayer.  Now, if she chose to, she could claim her life for herself.  Take it back.  Wrest it out of the hands of those men long ago who'd chosen to embue a girl, chosen without her consent, to be their defender.

But there was that tricky word.  Consent.  Maybe it had never been consensual at first -- when she'd been ripped out of her gum chewing, clique leading ways and forced to grow into a fighting machine.  But now, even as she sat, lonely on this chopper, she knew in her heart of hearts that she couldn't be doing anything else.  It would have been nice to go hang out on a beach with her friends.  It would have been nice to forget, for one tiny second, about saving the world.

It would have been even nicer to not have had to go off alone on a mission only days after she'd lost Spike the way she did.  It would have been nice to be surrounded by people she loved, so she didn't have to pay any mind to that hole in her gut that was a result of that loss.

But Buffy's world, for better or worse, just wasn't that.  It wasn't nice.

But it was hers.  A flicker of unbidden pride rose in her throat, and her chin tilted up slightly as the helicopter began to descend.

And nobody can take that from me, she thought to herself.  Least of all, me.


Also, you can find prose logs of her below:
Buffy makes friends with a Camel.
Buffy teaches vampire killing protocol, reunites with Cordelia, and is too late to save someone's life.
Buffy leads a team in trapping and capturing a vampire.

Special Notes:

Just a quick question, really.  Buffy has some previous established RP canon with your current Spike, and I was wondering if that CR could be maintained?  If not, that's ok too, just... thought I'd ask.

comm: lastvoyages, application

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