To me you sounded like the general damsel in distress, just with a more direct attitude. I think Maria Renard would be the best fit. As a child, she was taken hostage in Rondo of Blood but even as a damsel in distress she asserted a sort of leadership. Although she was a little shy of Richter upon meeting him at first, Maria soon opened up. Plus, she is known to be optimistic and sometimes hyper, traits that I could sense from you as well. And your answer to the last situational question is something I could imagine her doing, confronting the vampires right away.
I hate to make the decision difficult, but I'll have to go with Leon Belmont. While Maria is trusting and brave, Leon's characteristics match yours more. I think it was the uneasiness of being alone that got to me because Leon relied a lot on Mathias and you seem like th type to want your most trusted friend with you in times of trouble.
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So I'm going with Leon.
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