I've had it for about a week. It is massive. From memory (I don't have it open at the moment) but the shortest song was 7 1/2 minutes, and the longest was nearly double that.
Sure, it took more than half my lifetime to create, but it is definitely a good album. Even moreso when I consider that parts of it could be as much as 17 years old and don't seem dated at all. There's just no one who goes for things on such a grand scale anymore.
It's massive in feeling, but my numbers (and perception) were off. VLC was reporting track lengths as double reality, but the songs definitely feel long in the good way. that'swhatshesaid
Comments 3
Sure, it took more than half my lifetime to create, but it is definitely a good album. Even moreso when I consider that parts of it could be as much as 17 years old and don't seem dated at all. There's just no one who goes for things on such a grand scale anymore.
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