okay. my little brother went to montreal this morning and i miss him. it's his eighth grade trip. I MISS HIM. he is my baby brother :(
anyways, i've been thinking of things other than my little brother. i made a list of things i have with me all the time or most of the time.
- sketchbook. this contains my sketches (duh, i don't even know why i'd
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- three notebooks (school notebook, small notebook and diary)
- a pen
- phone
- camera
- wallet/keys
- MP3 player
- TicTacs
- gallery brochures that get left accidentally in my bag
- my bag of tricks (makeup bag containing various lip glosses, emery board, medication, perfume, aromatherapy balm, glasses cloth)
I always have a massive bag but I couldn't do it any other way!
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