Meow Mix is awesome
>Name: Eric
>Nicknames:, E.Long, E.Longation, E Rection, Erica
>Siblings: Ian
>Pets: Buddy, Honey, Pigs, Iko, Calvin (the devil), and the gerbils dont have names
>Hair color: Dyed Black.. But natural is brown and it's heck of long now
>Eye color: BROWN
>Sexual Preference: Bi Sexumal
<>Right now, are you...<>
>Dating someone: uh-uh
>Sick: Getting there
>Tired: Immensly
>Annoyed: no
>Happy: Yupp
>Hot or Cold: My legs are cold because i dont have any pants on
>Listening to music: i am
>Watching TV: No
>Filling out this survey: WITH MY PEN.. i mean.. yes
>Crushing on someone: yessum Tiffy calls me a JA lover.. but he's not the one im crushin on anymore.. cuz two EXTREMLY cute guys came into my work today.. AND I HAVE THEIR NUMBERS hahaha
>Mad at someone: for some reason im mad at my dad.. but i dont know why
>Regretting something: i dont think so.. i mean.... no
>Eating: no
>Drinking: Diet Pepsi
>High: no
>Dying: A little bit with every second that passes
>Crying: in my mind
>In pain: my feet are sore
>Wishing this was over: yes because i have to Pee and my pants arent absorbent
<>Do you have...<>
>any piercings: yes.. one in each ear.. and im gonna get more soon but im not sure
>any tatoos: noppers im kinda over that whole idea
>a myspace: yesssssum
>a livejournal: quiet a few
>a life: YES. because i have a job and i'm in a play.. HOW BIG OF A LIFE IS THAT.. I ROCK
>an urgent need at the moment: my bladder popped and my lungs are filling up with piss
>a tumor: Peter had his growth checked out
>a car: a 78 VW bus
>Feelings for someone that you can't/don't want to/are scared to tell them about: i hope
>a twitch: not that i can feel
>a bad habit: I bite my nails
<>Do you...<>
>do drugs: no
>smoke cigarettes: yes
>drink alcohol: im over it
>eat weird things: as i've been told.... yes
>talk in your sleep: sometimes
>walk in your sleep: i used
>like sex: virgin pride *holds up two fingers in the shape of a "V"* ( VIRGIN PRIDE TIFF OH EYAH)
>want kids: i hope so.. kids are so adorable
>want to get married: March 22nd 2008 i ccant wait.. Katie and I are so excited
>believe in love at first sight: kinda
>believe in some type of God/Goddess: Beliefe Yes.. Faith no
>believe in life-after-death: i was actually thinking about that the other day
>believe in reincarnation: yes and no
>believe in ghosts: hehehe i was tickled by one.. OH GHOSTS i thought you said goats
>like pickles: as long as they are attached to a guys waist area