Yes, I DID mean to sleep...

Apr 12, 2009 02:12

But roommate STILL fails, and I'm in one of those music-keeps-me-awake moods. So.

Dear Abel,

Plz to be stopping dying. No, seriously. I forgave it even when you didn't dodge the 23% ballista hit and subsequently died because of the 60 and 70 that followed it, because that was mostly my fault for not noticing I'd stuck you in the firing zone for three enemies. And I forgave you when you got hit with that Ridersbane at 40% because again, kind of my fault. But getting criticalled by the sniper? Really? I expect you to do better this time around.

Dear Caeda,
ilu, and I'm sorry for putting you within range of that enemy sniper. Keep on being awesome.

Dear Merric,
Seriously, you have 33 HP. I'm not quite sure WHY you have that much, considering you're a level 13/14 mage, but I'll take it. Please to be getting some defense now? Nearly dying just because you faced off against two archers is not acceptable. Dodging would be nice, if you can't manage the defense thing. Just saying.

Dear Enemy Sniper,
Stop being so badass. You killed Caeda, which was pretty much my fault, but then you killed Frey and Abel too. This is the THIRD TIME I've had to restart this level, all thanks to you. I hope you're proud of yourself, especially after that critical with a normal bow.

Dear Frey,
I love you. I'm sorry I took so long to give you some decent weapons, but really, I was focusing on the red knight-green knight pair, who take much more work. Keep on being a one-man army.

Dear Cain,
Thank you for only dying the once, back when the random enemy reinforcement unit pulled a Ridersbane out of nowhere. Now can you just try to set a good example for your boyfriend? Thanks.

Dear Marth,
GET SOME FREAKING MOVEMENT. And speed. Speed would be lovely.

Dear Linde,
You're a mage, which is pretty much the only reason that I haven't given up on you yet. :/ I tried to arena abuse you, but the arena raped you. So now it's a long, slow process of picking off other people's kills while keeping you far away from the danger zone. I'm trying to think of you like Nino, but unlike her, you aren't showing much promise. Staying hopeful.

Dear Wolf&Roshea,
Decided to use you because you were the prettiest of the recruits that level. And you had fantabulous purple hair, the both of you. Now I'm starting to regret it, especially when it comes to you, Wolf. Please to be dodging things, Roshea, and doing actual damage, Wolf. Also, who the hell is Coyote? Less ambiguous death quotes, I'd like them.

Dear Gordin,
You were a pain to level up in the very beginning, considering that you never doubled anything. Now I'm figuring I could send you and Caeda out on the field by yourselves and you'd pretty much own it. Loving you more and more with each level. ♥

Dear FE: Shadow Dragon,
Please stop being so DIFFICULT. I'm not used to having to restart a level three or four or ten times in order to keep everyone alive. Also, stop giving me ridiculously underleveled units, or promoted units with stats worse than Linde's. Would appreciate it if the Heroes were, y'know, heroic, instead of idiots who can't even recognize their own girlfriend when they try to off her. Also, still do not approve of having to recruit the ballista guy with my pegasus knight. Hoping the next recruits are somewhat more useful.

Roommate, I swear if I was actually confrontational, there would be hella drama going down in this room right now. Please to be turning off the goddamned dramas or using some gorram headphones.

ranting, games, fire emblem

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